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The All Mighty Answering the World's Questions

Let The All Mighty 1 solve all your problems. Ask me for advice or to know the meaning of life. Ask anything you want, but I can only respond to a few questions at a time so please be patient for your answer. Or I'll go postal type crazy on yo' ass, biatch!

Dear All Mighty,

I have this obsession- it is all the fault of the internet. I assume the persona of a SCHOOL GIRL and cruise the net looking for guys to abuse. They are pretty easy. My life is falling apart because I spend all my time in chat rooms! My girlfriend wonders what is up with this... What should I do? I want to quit, but I cannot help myself. It is too phat.

Not in School, not a girl

The All Mighty Reply: You are one sick puppy, come over here and let me whack you unconscious with a baseball bat!

PS: If anyone ask, you have never heard of KevK77. Thought I would help you out a little Kevin and cover for you! You can thank me later buddy.

Dear Mr. Mighty,

If peanut oil comes from peanuts and vegetable oil comes from vegetables.... where does baby oil come from?

The All Mighty Reply: Babies, of course, are you stupid!

Mr. All Mighty 1,

Why did the chicken cross the road?

The All Mighty Reply: Damn, you got me there! I don't have a clue.

Dear Mighty,

Why am I feeling an overwhelming (and increasingly frightening) attraction to Bono from U2? Is it temporary (or even scarier, permanent) insanity?

The All Mighty Reply: You have problems too! So once again come over here and let me whack you unconscious with a baseball bat!

Mr. 1,

How is it possible snot is able to run out either nostril while that same nostril is clogged beyond breathability?

The All Mighty Reply: Physics. Well, physics and a little bit of math. Remember that part in Back to The Future where Marty (Michael J Fox) goes so fast in that car that he travels in time? Nothing like that...

To Whom It May Concern,


The All Mighty Reply: What's that Lassie? Timmy's in trouble? In the well? Did he fall down the well, girl? Wait...huh? Timmy urinated on a tree? Lassie, I'm not understanding you here...Timmy is laying down taking a nap? Ah well....

Hi Mighty,

I have a lot of questions. 1) why do old women wear giant underpants? 2)what is the best cure for idleness? 3) what really happened when captain kurk encounered the tribbles? 4) why do dogs stick their heads out the windows of cars? 5) why are canadians so much more interesting than every other nationality? 6) what do they really put in hot dogs?

The All Mighty Reply: Most Q/A people would be perturbed at so many quesitons, but The All Mighty loves to answer AS MANY quesitons as he can get! So, here we go. There will be a short quiz. 1) Unless you're in the drycleaning business, you may need counselling if you deal with large women's underwear on a daily basis. 2) Idleness can only be cured by more idleness. I recommend reading this page more often. The humor levels will compend and expand in your brain, forcing you and everyone else to ask more quesitons. The act of writing is not idle, and thus, you have a short-term cure. 3) How do you think they multiplied so fast? How come you never got to see into the Captian's room? And don't even ASK about the "Captian's log.." 4) Why do cars stick themselves around dog posteriors? It's all your frame of reference.... 5) "Perhaps it's the way you say `eh' at the end of every sentence, eh?" 6) Who cares...I just put it all in a blender anyway with my cherry pie and potato chips. Nothing beats a tall glass of "Picnic Juice" on a hot summer day...

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