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Hillary: mere victim or mastermind?

by Chris Campbell

I'm going to go a little out on a limb here. I think the Lewinsky scandal is a conspiracy. Not quite the "vast right-wing conspiracy" as Hillary Clinton accused during a TV interview in January, but one considerably more esoteric. Like in the White House. Somebody once told me that whoever cries conspiracy may be the one in the conspiracy. "What is he getting at?" you're thinking. Allow me to explain.

Public support for Hillary Clinton is currently at an all-time high. Yet a few years ago when she was trying to realize her goal of a national health care system, the American people were less than enamored with the First Lady. There were jokes about who wears the pants in the White House, who did we really elect president, and so on. In a wise political move, she manuvered herself out of the public eye and into a more traditional role of wife and mother, while still working on various child care issues. Along comes Starr and the Girls and suddenly Mrs. Clinton is forced into the role of victim, reduced to smiling through her teeth at the cameras.

I for one don't believe this is the only time President Clinton has been unfaithful. He has a history of womanizing in Arkansas (though he deserves 50 lashes with a wet noodle for bad taste with Paula Jones). Hillary certainly isn't a dumb woman, so I'm sure she must've had some sort of indication as to what was going on. But she more than likely took it with a grain of salt, knowing they both were on the fast track to Washington.

So now the Clintons are in the White House. Hillary decides she's just about had enough of Bill's loose zipper so she lets the cat out of the bag about his, umm, cigar. How hard would it have been for Hillary to mastermind the Lewinsky scandal? She knew public approval for herself would soar now that Bill looks like the unfaithful husband, and all she had to do is play the victim for a few months until it all boils over. Then, a couple years later when Clinton's term is over and the public eye is off of them again, she could quietly divorce him and embark on a career with the United Nations, as she has mentioned working for after the White House. It all may seem a bit far-fetched at first glance, but once you think about it for a while a few things might start to connect.

Conspiracy theories are of course ridiculous and are only for fun. It's a luxury that we Americans have and have duly taken to the fullest extent, what with the X-files pushing Roswell and JFK conspiracies, to name a couple. In such a complex system of administrations and bureaucracies, you never can tell who's really pulling the strings. While I'm on the topic of outlandish conspiracies, I wonder why our currency is getting all the redesigned bills all of a sudden

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