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Name: Brian Thomas Littrell

Born: Feb 20, 1975

Birthplace: Lexington, Kentucky

Nicknames: B-Rok , Frick, Mr. Joker, Seaver
Family: mother Jackie, father Harold, brother Harold Jr.

Favorite music: Jodeci, Boys to Men

    Ever since Brian started to walk, he's been singing and entertaining. He learned to stretch his vocal chops in church-he sang in the choir-and was constantly dancing for an audience made up of his parents and older brother. As he grew older he got involved in drama and voice classes. He realized that music and performing was what he wanted to do most.

    There is one thing that sets Brian apart from the other boys physically, Brian had electrical surgery on his heart due to the hole in it. His doctor discovered the hole when Brian was at the age of 5. Brian almost died, but with a miracle survived. Before his recent operation it was hard for him to do concerts, because his heart wasn't as strong as it could be. Brain is alive and well now though, with his recent surgery. He stayed at the St. James hospital after his operation for around two weeks. As soon as he was well enough, he stayed with his parents in their home for about 5 weeks. He has seen some hard times, but the BSB middle-man always looks on the bright side!

    Brian is the most likely to focus solely on song-writing one day. He has already written "That's What She Said," which is going to appear on the new album (see updated News section). He has said that writing songs is one of his great loves. Watch for him to take the reigns and write even more BSB songs in the future-as well as tunes for others.