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Here is a list of updates on my page as always thanks for coming to my page and KTBSPA!
*New opening acts for 2nd leg of Millennium Tour
*What do YOU think should be the next single?
*Brent, Brent, Brent...New found star?
*Pictures just scanned from concerts
*Is that Justin Timberlake?
-Go down:)-

Mandy Moore with Candy, NO MORE!
No more candy, so sorry Mandy!  As all the fans know the BSB just kicked off their second tour last week and guess what, the pack just lost a few members! Turns out that boyband EYC and Mandy Moore will NOT be opening for the Backstreet Boys for the second leg of the tour.  If your crazy over Nick Carter as most of us are, you know his ex-girlfriend and now current girlfriend is, indeed, opening for her man's concerts! That is right, "Mandy" as he calls her, is opening and I here she is an alright performer.  I guess I will be able to report how she was after Tuesday when I attend the St Louis concert! I still think EYC and Mandy Moore did a great job opening but it was a great idea to get a new act up there for this one!  To my great displeasure I need to also announce that many of the band's dancers that went on the last tour are not touring with them for this one. Roro, my man, is not touring! I am soo sad!! Needless to say, but I am sure the new dancers are just as good! 

Talkie, talkie, I need some more TALKIE!!!
Ya like that Lisa??:) hehe. Anyways, I haven't heard alot of talk of the next single coming out and I was hoping that you guys can help me out...I want to know what is the next single going to be! So if you have any clue, EMAIL ME( )!!! Or, what do you think it should be? This is a good topic to leave in my guestbook if you would. I think personally that a good single before the next album would maybe be "I'll  Be The One" or "Don't Want You Back". 

One of my favorite Backstreet subjects, Brent!  This guy is sooo great! Seriously, if you haven't heard of him, what rock have you been hiding under?!  He is the long-time best friend of Nick Carter and total HOTTY!:)
So what makes him so special? Well, he has been on tour with the boys the whole year. I mean, that is some kind of schedule.  I'd say pretty great friend living like that with ya! Even though most people just want to meet him because he is "NICKS" best friend, he takes the time to get lots and lots of pictures and conversations with as many fans as he can. Totally cool ya know, because if you are a teeny-bopper fan you need to face reality that meeting the boys is almost impossible these days. So why not go up to a guy that is talented (yes he got a record deal for some kind of alternative music playing on his guitar), sweet, cute, and soooo kind?! Recently I have been seeing a few Brent pages popping up. I used to think this was cheesy, but I know he enjoys it and with everything he does for us fans, it is the least we can do for him! Keep your eyes open for him!
wanna see me and brent? Click HERE!

Well just wanted everyone to keep looking around my page because I scanned a buncha pics and scattered them around. Thanks for stopping by, please sign my guestbook, I will email you personally if you want me to just say so. I can talk about BSB for hours! I go on the chat room sometimes as cherie2001 so see me there too! Later!!


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           <---- SHE "LUVS" YA!!!