heres the transcript to the silverchair chat on AOL april 1st,1999. Thanks to Kate!! (
EAMusic1: WELCOME SILVERCHAIR!!! SlvrChrEA: Hello, Hello, Hello OnlineHost: Your new cd is different then the pther records, why the change? SlvrChrEA: Daniel: After the first two records SlvrChrEA: we wanted to do something different Question: Did you guys do any snoboarding at the recent Seattle gig? SlvrChrEA: Daniel: When I was 16 or 17, I became EAMusic1: My question is for Daniel. I know you are a vegan and strongly oppose the expliotation of SlvrChrEA: a vegetarian and about six months SlvrChrEA: later I became vegan and that was it! SlvrChrEA: I just feel, I don't know, it's just SlvrChrEA: something I feel strongly about. SlvrChrEA: So I don't participate in the SlvrChrEA: exploitations of animals. EAMusic1: Will you ever write aboutit? SlvrChrEA: Daniel: There's a song on the new SlvrChrEA: album that's about animal SlvrChrEA: experimentation. Question: do any of you have girlfriends? - rockergirl SlvrChrEA: Chris: I do SlvrChrEA: Ben: Yeah, Christopher and I do OnlineHost: who are your inspirations? SlvrChrEA: Chris: It varies a lot between the three of us. I, myself, like a lot of the blues stuff SlvrChrEA: and funky stuff. But it changes a lot SlvrChrEA: between the three of us and it's SlvrChrEA: a bizarre combination. Question: Did you guys do any snoboarding at the recent Seattle gig? - GrinspoonX SlvrChrEA: Chris: No, we didn't. We just froze SlvrChrEA: our butts off because there was SlvrChrEA: a lot of sleet and snow. SlvrChrEA: Ben: WE don't have snow in New SlvrChrEA: Castle, Australia. The only area SlvrChrEA: in Australia is around Victoria that SlvrChrEA: gets snow. We had been snow SlvrChrEA: boarding twice now, but only went SlvrChrEA: for a few days so didn't get a SlvrChrEA: chance to really get into it. Question: what is the craziest thing that happened to you while touring?Is it fun? Question: - Pen99ws SlvrChrEA: Chris: I must say we've been lacking SlvrChrEA: in the crazy side of things. It's SlvrChrEA: been show, travel, show, travel. SlvrChrEA: But we'll let you know if it gets SlvrChrEA: crazy. SlvrChrEA: Daniel: It's still been fun SlvrChrEA: Chris: We actually had a couple of different Question: Were there any guests on the new record? - Indahiznous SlvrChrEA: people, David Helfgott, being one who played SlvrChrEA: on Motion Sickness, which was SlvrChrEA: quite an experience and Jimmy from SlvrChrEA: Midnight Oil Question: when are you guys touring Australia again? Are you doing little regional Question: areas? - Vada SlvrChrEA: Chris: Yeah, we are doing an Aussie tour, I can't remember roughly SlvrChrEA: when that is. SlvrChrEA: Daniel: I think it's through the end SlvrChrEA: of July and into August, but nothing SlvrChrEA: has been set in concrete so we're SlvrChrEA: not a hundred percent sure yet. SlvrChrEA: Ben: We're going to Europe tomorrow. Question: So what's the deal??you kids goin to college? - floreinaus SlvrChrEA: Chris: i can't see us going to college yet and even if we do this wouldn't be the time SlvrChrEA: we just want to concentrate on music. Question: Are you playing on the Gold Coast on your Oz tour, Leanne - Leanne SlvrChrEA: Chris: There's a good chance, I suppose. We haven't gotten dates firmed up yet Question: i like your new album are you all going to keep making new albums or Question: *fall off the planet like some other bands do? - Warlokett6 SlvrChrEA: Chris: I don't know, I suppose we'll see where SlvrChrEA: this one takes us first and this is the SlvrChrEA: first tour we've done for this record SlvrChrEA: and it's only been out a month. SlvrChrEA: So we've got a long way to go SlvrChrEA: on this album yet. SlvrChrEA: Daniel: This was the first record SlvrChrEA: we had time to focus and concentrate SlvrChrEA: on music and not have to fit it in SlvrChrEA: between school. Question: What;s the deal with Llamas?i saw something about them on your website. Question: - Sandy4u SlvrChrEA: Daniel: We just like them and think SlvrChrEA: they're interesting. They just look SlvrChrEA: strange. SlvrChrEA: Yeah, we like them. Question: What are your fav aussie bands? - Murl3 SlvrChrEA: Daniel: Midnight Oil's mine. Question: What is Anthem about? - drunkardw SlvrChrEA: DAniel: it's about young people sticking up for their rights, I think. SlvrChrEA: There's a political party in Australia SlvrChrEA: who are imposing restrictions on young SlvrChrEA: people with curfews and stuff and so SlvrChrEA: it's just protesting that political party SlvrChrEA: and it's got a sarcastic title which some SlvrChrEA: people misinterpret, but it's all part of it. Question: silverchair-Do you think this album is more radio friendly than Freak Question: *Show? - SilChairSM SlvrChrEA: Daniel: Not really. It's hard to really tell what radio friendly is because if you SlvrChrEA: listen to our first album it probably SlvrChrEA: wouldn't get played. And this album SlvrChrEA: is really not the kind of music you'd SlvrChrEA: expect to turn on the radio and hear SlvrChrEA: but I guess it could get played on SlvrChrEA: the radio. I don't know yet, it might be. Question: Daniel What du think of Kurt Cobain? - bliss SlvrChrEA: Daniel: I never really got into Nirvana while SlvrChrEA: Kurt Cobain was alive, to be honest. SlvrChrEA: But I really like In Utero now, their SlvrChrEA: last album. I think that was their SlvrChrEA: last album, well it was the one with SlvrChrEA: the angel on it. I really like it. SlvrChrEA: He's really talented and he's not SlvrChrEA: been as much of an influence as SlvrChrEA: a lot of people would expect. SlvrChrEA: I've been influenced by the same SlvrChrEA: bands that influenced Nirvana so I guess SlvrChrEA: that's where people draw that conclusion EAMusic1: WE are here with Silverchair!! EAMusic1: Keep your questions coming!! Question: what was your favorite place to play at? - Bilibong07 SlvrChrEA: Chris: Last night actually in Las Vegas was probably one of the best SlvrChrEA: venues we've been into. It just SlvrChrEA: seemed to be all together. SlvrChrEA: It was the new Hard Rock. SlvrChrEA: It's one of my favorite venues we've SlvrChrEA: ever been to. Question: What do you think of young girls screaming at you? Is it scary? - Lianne SlvrChrEA: Chris: it's not so much scary, but it's good SlvrChrEA: to see that people are very much SlvrChrEA: into the band, in a sense. SlvrChrEA: Ben: When you're not used to it SlvrChrEA: it's very overwhelming. But then again, SlvrChrEA: as Chris said, it's great to see that SlvrChrEA: people appreciate your music that mcuh. SlvrChrEA: it's a pretty good buzz to see how SlvrChrEA: into it they are. Question: Daniel; I wanted to thankyou For Writing Ana's Song, I think you best Question: explained the horror of eating disorders better then anybody I've know and I Question: wanted to thankyou... - Kayte SlvrChrEA: Daniel: Thanks. Question: The Freak Show interactive CD-Rom was the best I've ever seen. Whose Question: idea was it to do that and why did you decide not to have a CD Extra on Neon Question: Ballroom? - cheribom SlvrChrEA: Chris: There was an extra, but I'm not sure SlvrChrEA: if it was similar to the one on Freak Show. SlvrChrEA: Daniel: We had kind of a short fil SlvrChrEA: film made for Motion Sickness, that SlvrChrEA: I thought was an extra on Neon Ballroom. SlvrChrEA: Ben: There isn't an interactive thing SlvrChrEA: like on Freak Show. Question: you guys just came once to Brazil, and it was in u have plans Question: to come back here in this new tour???? - ToxicGirl SlvrChrEA: Chris: There was actually small talk the other day of doing some shows in South America, SlvrChrEA: but it's still very up in the air. SlvrChrEA: Nothing is confirmed. Question: first of all you guys are awesome love the new cd i just wanted to know Question: *what your favorite song on neon ballroom is and why? does it have a special Question: *meaning to you - Frosty2176 SlvrChrEA: Daniel: i don't really have a favorite SlvrChrEA: song, I don't think, from Neon Ballroom. SlvrChrEA: I don't know, it's all, it's like a father SlvrChrEA: picking his favorite kid. They all SlvrChrEA: have meaning to me in different ways. Question: HOW OLD ARE ALL OF U - Shay0913 SlvrChrEA: Chris: 19 SlvrChrEA: Daniel: We're all 19 SlvrChrEA: Ben: Yeah, 19 SlvrChrEA: Daniel: We were 14 when we had our SlvrChrEA: first single. EAMusic1: Waht do you want for your bd? SlvrChrEA: Daniel: Whatever. I don't care really. The 20th birthday doesn't really mean anything, SlvrChrEA: I don't think. I'll be in a boring place SlvrChrEA: anyway. Question: Are you glad that you took a year off before this album and are you Question: going to continue to do that in the future? - caseygayle SlvrChrEA: Daniel: it was different for different people. I didn't really take any SlvrChrEA: time off, I just started writing. But SlvrChrEA: Ben and Chris wanted to surf and do SlvrChrEA: the extreme things that they do. Question: What sort of rituals or weird habits do Dan, Chris, and Ben have? - Question: Karen Zero SlvrChrEA: Ben: We do have a bit of a ritual SlvrChrEA: before we go on stage, but SlvrChrEA: unfortunately we can't reveal it SlvrChrEA: and we need to keep it to ourselves. Question: What are you planning to do after you finish touring in Europe? - Question: Shamrk80 SlvrChrEA: Chris: After touring Europe we come SlvrChrEA: back to America for a few more SlvrChrEA: shows and then back home for SlvrChrEA: a few weeks and then America for SlvrChrEA: some radio shows and then it's off SlvrChrEA: to Canada for some Edge Fest tours. Question: This is for Ben, Boxers or Briefs? - SUMMER983 SlvrChrEA: Ben: Boxers. Definitely boxers. Briefs SlvrChrEA: are like, when you wear briefs it's SlvrChrEA: like someone's got a hold of you SlvrChrEA: 24 hours a day. Question: Will you tour America more extensivley in the future? Smaller cities? - Question: Billy SlvrChrEA: Chris: It's kind of hard because it's such a large country. And if you wanted SlvrChrEA: to tour extensively you've got to be here SlvrChrEA: months and months and we've got SlvrChrEA: a lot of places to get to. SlvrChrEA: Daniel: And people don't realize SlvrChrEA: that it's a lot easier to tour your SlvrChrEA: own country. And right now we're SlvrChrEA: going to be away for a while and SlvrChrEA: it seems nice, but you're constantly SlvrChrEA: moving and living out of a suitcase SlvrChrEA: and not knowing anyone. Question: Are you guys looking forward to the London show it would be great!!, Question: Leanne - Leanne SlvrChrEA: Chris: Yeah, we are. We've always had good shows in London and the thing SlvrChrEA: is that a lot of Aussies turn up anyway. SlvrChrEA: Ben: i'm looking forward to it because SlvrChrEA: we're touring with another Australian SlvrChrEA: band and they're really cool. Question: hey guys, I was wondering, what do u guys do to pass the time on the Question: road? - blazeX SlvrChrEA: Chris: Well, it's kind of hard that people think you get out there and do all SlvrChrEA: these fun things. But when you have SlvrChrEA: an hour off you just sort of want SlvrChrEA: to sit there and do nothing. SlvrChrEA: Daniel: Also just to sleep when you SlvrChrEA: have time and it's just nice SlvrChrEA: to sleep. It makes the days go quicker. Question: chris, did you get a new doggy (i heard it was a pug)...if yes, what's Question: his/her name? - aCidDolly SlvrChrEA: Chris: His name is Gus. It's a pug. OnlineHost: what i the longest you been on tour? SlvrChrEA: Daniel: I think 9 weeks SlvrChrEA: Ben: We'll go out for a few weeks SlvrChrEA: and then go home in between. SlvrChrEA: Daniel: it's different for different bands. SlvrChrEA: There are some bands that do it SlvrChrEA: for months and months because it's SlvrChrEA: their lives. But the majority of bands Question: do you guys want people to mosh at your concerts although they may be Question: injured? - Acindrah SlvrChrEA: that I've talked to don't like to do it. SlvrChrEA: Chris: it's great to see a bit of crowd SlvrChrEA: reaction, but there is a point where SlvrChrEA: it becomes a bit silly. You can still SlvrChrEA: have a good time without getting SlvrChrEA: hurt, you know. Question: seeing how you guys have basically lost all privacy, would you give it Question: all up if you could? go back to leading the life of an average 19 year old? SlvrChrEA: Daniel: it all depends. There are SlvrChrEA: definitely advantages and disadvantages SlvrChrEA: I'd give it all up if I got to keep SlvrChrEA: the money I got when I was 15. SlvrChrEA: But it takes away a lot of stuff SlvrChrEA: that you think you should be entitled SlvrChrEA: to, but when we left school we saw SlvrChrEA: our friends getting worried about SlvrChrEA: finding jobs and we already had SlvrChrEA: our job. So in ways, it's an advantage. EAMusic1: to find out more info Silverchair..goto Keyword: EAMUSIC! Question: SC - you guys have been my total inspiration to take intrest in music Question: and start playing instruments, thank you sooo much!! - ammonia EAMusic1: Any thing you wantto say to your fans? SlvrChrEA: Ben: Thanks for your support in Australia SlvrChrEA: and everywhere. SlvrChrEA: Chris: Thank you China! SlvrChrEA: LOL SlvrChrEA: Daniel: Thank you. EAMusic1: Thanks everyone for chatting with Silverchair!!!