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Out side the window I can see it form.
Inside my house i feel protected from the storm.

The wind cuts through my neighbors thin hair.
Leaves fall from the tree, I know it is drawing near.

They scurry to their homes to escape the downfall.
But this time i think the wind will take us all.

Then her car pulls up to my house. I see her slowly walk.
The water starts falling when she asked if we,
"could talk?"

Then it started to rain as her words fell to the floor.
Thunder clapped with velocity; breaking like my soul. The rain did pour.

Next the house started to separate. She left in time to escape,
but I stayed with the weather, irate.

Broken glass showered me, and the roof was blowing away.
death filled the streets. I wish she had stayed..

The storm then ended. Almost everything had been torn from the ground.
All except for one thing. I was standing there, Just not too proud.