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Daughters of Darkness

Daughters of Darkness is under new managment! Please email Maya for any questions, comments or concerns.

A note from the ring mistress: I retain the right to remove a website from the queueor ring if I feel it does not uphold the following requirements. I do this not to be mean but to maintain a high standard of excellence. This is not an "elite" ring. In other words, if you have created a website that fits in with the theme of Daughters of Darkness, you will probably be accepted.

STEP 1: Make sure your site meets the following requirements

*Created and maintained by a young woman, or women
*Promotes a positive message for young women
*Appropriate for a young adult audience
*Contains appropriate ratings and disclaimers
*Credits any content that is not one's own

STEP 2: Fill out the form.

STEP 3: Copy the code and paste it onto your site (either on the main page or a page set aside for webrings)

STEP 4: Email me once you have the code in place (give me the addy of the exact page it is on)

****Make sure to replace your name, e-mail, and ID in the code provided. Your ID will be given to you when submitting the form. You will have to replace YOUR ID HERE twice in the code. I will NOT e-mail you asking you to change the code, you will be simply removed from the queue to let others in. You can re-sumbit your site in at a later time.****

****I check the queue every once and a while, so make sure that when you submit your site into the ring, to place the code on A.S.A.P. If I check it, and find you have not yet put it up yet, you will be removed from the queue, so apply only if you have time to paste the code up to your page! Thanks!

STEP 5: Once I add you, if you ever need to change any of your site info, please go here

This Daughters of Darkness
site owned by Maya.
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©1998 by Kestrel. Maintained by Maya. All rights reserved. The Daughters of Darkness logo is mine, and may not be used out of the context of the webring code without my permission.