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What Kind of Person Are you?


Find out what kind of person you are!! take this fun quiz....ok, number a sheet of paper 1-10, and answer the questions below, when you are done, hit the button to see the results

1. write down the color you like the best of : red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple

2. write down the order you like of the following animals: sheep, pig, monkey, dog, cat

3. your favorite number

4. write down a member of the opposite sex

5. first number that comes to mind

6. what flower you like better: roses or magnolias

7. a member of the same sex

8. do you have curly hair or straight hair?

9. would you rather spend a day at the beach or a day at the mountains?

10. the first song title that comes to mind

Make a wish!!!

What this all means
