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Wolf Gallery

Wolves are just one of my favorite animals. You can use these pictures from the wolf gallery for your own website if you wish, but please put this link onto the page as well. (and remember to put them on your own server!) <center>Wolf graphics courtesy of:</center> <center><a href=><img src="http://www." alt="Dead Man's Cove" border=0> </a></center>

Just click on the thumbnail to view the picture

Click here for the larger version    Click here for the larger version    Click here for the larger version

Click here for the larger version    Click here for the larger version    Click here for the larger version

Click here for the larger version    Click here for the larger version    Click here for the larger version

Click here for the larger version   Click here for the larger version   Click here for the larger version

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All pictures came from a Canadian wolf calendar, produced by Wyman and son, no copywrite infringement intended.