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The Green Candle

Your candle Color is The Green Candle.

Here is what you do:

1. Right click on your mouse, and save the green candle onto your own server.

2. Copy the HTML code (down below)

3. Paste the code onto your own homepage.

4. Replace "grecan.gif" with what ever you saved your own code to.

5. E-mail me with:

Name of NightWorld member
The candle color you got
URL for webpage
URL for webpage that the candle will be at
Title of the page

6. That's it, your done! You can proudly call yourself a keeper of the Green Candle!

The code:

<center><a href=> <img src="green.gif"></a></center><center><font size="4">Keeper of the Green Candle.</font></center><center>Practical, Stable, Caring. </center>

Fellow Green Candle Memebers:

Pandora's Box
Veleur Clan Page