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Children of the Dark

1. The Children of the Dark webring will take pages that have anything to do with the gothic theme.(the 'dark side of the web')(I will also accept pagan/wiccan pages that dont have to do with the dark side of the web) I will NOT accept a page totally devoted to Marylin Manson or anything along that nature.

2. Copy both pictures onto your ownserver by clicking your right mouse button. Picture one, Picture two

3. To Join the children of the dark webring you must first fill out this


4. then copy the html code down below making sure to remove: YOUR ID with the number that you received with the clique, YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS with your e-mail address and of course YOUR NAME with the name you wish to be called. Then wait for a response to see if you got in or not.

****Make sure to replace your name, e-mail, and ID in the code provided. Your ID will be given to you when submitting the form. You will have to replace YOUR ID HERE five times in the code. I will NOT e-mail you asking you to change the code, you will be simply removed from the queue to let others in. You can re-sumbit your site in at a later time.****

****I check the queue every once and a while, so make sure that when you submit your site into the ring, to place the code on A.S.A.P. If I check it, and find you have not yet put it up yet, you will be removed from the queue, so apply only if you have time to paste the code up to your page! Thanks!

5. already in the ring, and you would like to edit your info? go HERE.

<font size=+1><CENTER> <TABLE ALIGN=center BORDER=2 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=2 BGCOLOR=#000000 LINK=#808080> <TR><TD><CENTER> <a href="" TARGET=_top> <IMG SRC="cod1.gif" ALIGN=middle WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=200 BORDER=0><BR> </a></CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER> <FONT SIZE=+2 Face=Dauphin color=#808080>Children Of The Dark<BR>WebRing<BR></FONT> <FONT Face=Dauphin color=#808080> This<BR> <A HREF="http://www.angelfire/il/blackbatz/index.html"><font color="green">Children Of The Dark</font> </A><BR> Site is owned by <A HREF="mailto:YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS"><font color="purple">YOUR NAME</font></A>. <a href="" TARGET=_top> <BR><font color="green">Join The Ring</FONT> </a></CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER> <a href=" ID&next" TARGET=_top> <IMG SRC="cod2.gif" ALIGN=middle WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=200 BORDER=0></a> </CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE></FONT> [<a href="" TARGET=_top><font color="green">Previous Page</font></a>] [<a href="" TARGET=_top><font color="green">Random Site</font></a> ] [<a href="" TARGET=_top><font color="green">Next 5 Pages</font></a>] [<a href="" TARGET=_top><font color="green">Next Page</font></a>] [<a href="" TARGET=_top><font color="green">List Pages</font></a>] </center></font>

At the end, it should look like this:

Children Of The Dark
Children Of The Dark
Site is owned by YOUR NAME.
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