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Do people even look at these?

Webring graphic

The webring graphic for my children of the dark came from the book cover "Monday's child". written by Patrica Wallace.

Awards graphics

For the awesome award the graphic came from an old postcard I had. Isn't it cute though?

For the gothic award the graphic came from a book called 'dark moon legacy.' written by Cynthia Blair

The dark award was drawn by me. Thats why there isn't anything else up here of my own work =)

The Excellent award graphic came from a book called 'the house of caine' by Ken Eulo.

Main Page grahpics

Some of my graphics came from free webpages like:

And then some came from various other webpages.

The Redrock cafe picture came from a book called:'the haunting' by Ruby Jensen.

The Howling wolf inn picture came from a book called:'Blood farm' by Sam Siciuano.

The Whispering woods picture came from a book called:'children of the night' by Dan simmons.

and the house of horrors picture comes from abook called: 'the night of the solstice' by L.j. Smith.

The banners

I counldn't have done my webpage without this! All the banners came from

Of course my 'link' banner was not made from that. That was made by a friend of mine.


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