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Team Page
Now, let's talk about my little "rag tag" team we've put together.
Below are photos of the hardcore players. We'll go out whether it be rain or shine, snow or sleet. We are also proud to say we've never owned a 2 dolla' ho! (A "2 dolla' ho" being a piranha, spyder, etc...)

First of all there's me, Tony aka Crafty aka Jackyl(Weapon: Custom Upgraded 2001 autococker). I'm the one up front taking a lot of fire and trying to make key moves so the middle players can move up to get better angles on other players. Showing no fear, I often bunker opposing players sometimes sacrificing myself for others by opening a hole in the enemies defenses. My skills needed for this position include: Speed, Field Awareness, Communication, Stealth and Instinct.

Next, there is Mike he is one of our key players, mike is vital in giving out information to all the front players and letting us know where everyone is. Using one of his custom "Martinez" autocockers mike lays down cover fire for everyone. Not only is Mike a great back player but he moves up into the action with ease. Great accuracy, communication, and instinct are the skills Mike uses to keep us in the game. Click on his photo to visit his website!

This is Scott Fuzer, he's one of our newest members, and has shown great dedication. He has become a very good player in a the short amount of time he's been playing. Scott's weapon of choice is a 2001 SFL autococker.

Now here are photos of players that play often, but not often enough to be considered an elite hardcore player. I'd like to add that most of these guys have played or are still currently playing with 2 dolla' ho's!! ;)

This is my boy jason aka foster aka CHOOKIE! Foster plays as much as he is allowed. He is often out of town due to work and isn't able to play as much. But he still has the drive to show up when he's in town. Foster plays with an angel IR3 and loves to unload paint all over the field. You will most often see him in the back laying down cover fire for his comrades.

This here is Shahid. He plays with a 2002 SFL autococker. Shahid used to play with a 2 dolla' ho, but was finally convinced to get a real man's gun, the AUTOCOCKER! Shahid is becoming a very good player and has improved drastically. Just don't let him borrow anything though, cuz it'll be years before you ever see it


Here is Xavier aka "The Mouse" or "Mistah X". He used to play all the time, but has been missing in action recently. He is one of the original 2 dolla' ho owners. I think xavier's greatest skill was his ability to mooch off of mike every weekend! hahaaha!!! Poor mike, but I think xavier paid him back. Maybe one of these days he'll be out to play again.

This pasty mofo is Josh aka "PEN!S", he used to be a hardcore player but doesn't like to play in undesirable conditions such as the cold and rain. It's actually been awhile since he's been out. Anyway, josh's weapon of choice is an upgraded 2001 autococker. When he's not busy cleaning out his cheesed up barrel he's actually a good player for being the tall lanky guy he is.

This is david boudreau aka "BOODER". He has just recently started playing paintball and if he keeps it up he might move up to one of the elite players. Unfortunately he doesn't have a marker yet, but luckily is using one of mike's many guns. I think booder is planning on purchasing a 2 dolla' ho in the near future.

This is Keith's son Jason aka "HOLY SHITE, LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT GUY!" Jason also used to play with a 2 dolla' ho, but thanks to his pappy he now owns a blue 2002 autococker.

This is keith, he's been playing for the past year. Unfortunately he doesn't come out often. Keith loves to shoot ungodly amounts of paint. Keith finally got himself an autococker.

And now we come to the occasional players. These guys come out once in a blue moon. Which is fine, because they don't claim to be paintball fanatics, but still love to come out and play once in awhile.

Here is my honey, arelis. She only plays when the weather is perfect and doesn't like getting shot at all. She actually called herself out one time when it was only her and I left. So of course I went down in a blaze of glory! Arelis plays with a custom autococker I built from scratch, complete with all Shocktech upgrades.

This is my lil sis nina. She has only played a few times, but I have to give her props for actually playing. So many girls are scared to play. And let me tell you, she is not scared to move up to the front lines. If I catch anyone light her up you better watch out, cuz I will beat you down.


Here is my step brother brian aka "brain" aka "billy bo bah brain". He has only come out a few times, but is usually working on the weekends. He had a few 2 dolla' ho's but i think sold them all. Hopefully he'll purchase a decent gun soon so he can come out and play more often.


This is one of my good buddies Tony aka "Elburro". He doesn't go out very much at all, but still loves the adrenaline rush he gets from playing. He is usually too busy playing with his barbie dolls to come and play with us. But oh well, to each his own I guess!


Now this guy, Charles aka "lunchbox" is the guy who got myself and mike addicted to paintball. And of course he never plays anymore. He has gone out maybe 2 times. On one of the occasions his pants came down in the middle of the game and noone wanted to eat lunch after that sight.


This guy is Bill, he used to play all the time and bring his kids. We don't know that happened with him.

And finally some friends. First there is Sig. Sig works for Bad Boyz Toyz and is a super cool guy and very friendly. And I must say, throws some very kick ass parties! I actually met Sig through my girlfriend, arelis. They used to go to school together. Next is marty, who also works for bad boyz toyz. Marty is the man I run to when I can't figure out what is going on with my guns. This guy can solve any problems you might have with your cocker. Next is Kevin Mahoney, he is also a really cool guy and works for Shocktech. In his spare time he dj's and I must say he gets the party going. Next is John, he is an avid player and used to manage a paintball field in kirkland IL. A super cool guy and a very good friend. The guy on the right is Scott Player. He is one of the nicest paintballers a person can meet. He taught me many techniques and helped to make me the player that I am today.