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Clark County Military Database
Column Title Value Meaning
Military Service Branch  M   U S MARINE CORPS 
Country of Casualty  KR   Korea 
Casualty Group  A1   HOSTILE - Killed 
File Reference Number  970     
Name of Casualty  BURRUS PAUL CONRAD     
Processing Date  7911     
Service Number  054303     
Military Grade or Rank  1LT   FIRST LIEUTENANT 
Pay Grade  O2     
Date Died or Declared Dead  520917   09/17/1952 
Service Component  V   Reserve (USAR, USNR, USAFR, USMCR, USCGR) 
Home of Record-City/Town/County  CASEY     
Home of Record-State  14   Illinois 
Birth Date Year  29     
Birth Date Month  01     
Birth Date Day  07     
Cause of Casualty  D   Gunshot or Small Arms Fire 
Air/Non air Casualty  7   GROUND CASUALTY 
Race  C   Caucasian 
Sex  M   Male 
Citizenship  1   U. S. Citizen 
Date Died or Declared Dead  520917   09/17/1952