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Illinois Cavalry Regiments

Remember our Clark County patriots. Some lie in national cemeteries. Some sleep in hometown graves. Some never made it home. But all have something in common. They made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our country, our freedom and our quality of life.


3d Illinois Cavalry (Consolidated)

Company K
MILNER, Henry C     Corporal     York     Mar 7, 1865     Mustered out Oct 10, 1865

5th Illinois Cavalry

Company B
ARRINGTON, John A.     Corporal     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     Killed near Meridian, MS Jun 25, 1863
BOGGS, John W     Veteran     Livingston     Mar 10, 1864     Mustered out Oct 27, 1865
BOGGS, John W.     Private     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     Re-enlisted as veteran
CHADWICK, John W.     Veteran     Livingston     Feb 2, 1864     Sgt, Died Vicksburg Nov 7, 1864
CHADWICK, John W.     Corporal     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     Re-enlisted as veteran
CURRY, William    Recruit    Darwin    Dec 31, 1863    Mustered out Oct 27, 1865   
DAWSON, William H.     Veteran     Livingston     Feb 2, 1864     Deserted Jan 20, 1865
DAWSON, William N.     Corporal     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     Re-enlisted as veteran
DENNY, Hiram E.     Recruit     Livingston     Dec 31, 1863     M.O. Oct 27, 1865 as trump'r
DENNY, Hiram E.     Bugler     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     Promoted to chief Bugler
DUFFIEID, Andrew P.     Veteran     Livingston     Mar 10, 1864     M.O. Oct 27, 1865, Trumpeter
FOSTER, John R.     Private     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     M.O. Nov 4, 1864 as Corpl.
FURLONG, John W.     Veteran     Livingston     Mar 10, 1864     Abs, sick at M.O. of Reg.
FURLONG, John W.     Sergeant     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     Re-enlisted as veteran
MADOX, William     Recruit     Livingston     Dec 31, 1861     Disch. Dec 10, 1864 as Corpl.
MARCH, Clement     QM Sergeant     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     Promoted 1st Lieutenant [Oct 6, 1863]
MURPHY, William     Private     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     Tr. to V.R.C. Mar 15, 1864
PARRET, Byard W.     Private     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     Died Jefferson Barracks Dec 10, 1863
PENIWELL, Ephraim R.     Private     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     Mustered out Nov 8, 1864
PENIWELL, James     Recruit     Livingston     Aug 13, 1862     M.O. June 15, 1865
PENNIWELL, Kendall B.     1st Sgt.     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     Prom. 2d Lieutenant [July 26, 1862]
PENIWELL, William B.     Farrier     Livingston     Nov 8, 1861     Prom. Reg'l. Com. Sergt.
SABBREE/SAVREE, J.M.    Recruit    Darwin    Dec 31, 1863    Mustered out Oct 27, 1865   
UNCIL, William M.    Recruit    Darwin    Dec 31, 1863    Died Camp Butler Jan 24, 1864

Company F
WILSON, Gilbert  Recruit,  Casey  Dec 22, 1863 Mustered out Sep 5, 1865.

Company I
BARDEN, Tillman    Recruit    Dennison    Feb 29, 1864    Died, Vicksburg, May 27, 1864   
BONNER, James F    Recruit    Dennison    Feb 16, 1864    Died at Hempstead, Tex., Sep 22, 1865   
BROOK, Thomas E    Recruit    Dennison    Feb 29, 1864    MO Oct 27, 1865 as Corp'l.   
JONES, James K    Recruit    Dennison    Feb 25, 1864    Mustered out Oct 27, 1865   
LYONS, John C    Recruit    Dennison    Feb 29, 1864    Died, Vicksburg, Nov 28, 1864   
REEL, John D    Recruit    Dennison    Feb 29, 1864    Died, Vicksburg, Nov 9, 1864   
SHIPLEY, Ephraim    Recruit    Dennison    Feb 29, 1864    Died, Vicksburg, Aug 9, 1864   
SMITH, William F    Recruit    Dennison    Feb 29, 1864    Mustered out May 24, 1865

Battles/Campaigns Engaged in: Meridian Campaign

6th Illinois Cavalry

Company C
TAYLOR, James M     Recruit    Martinsville    Mar 21, 1865    Deserted May 30, 1865   
TAYLOR, Reuben    Recruit    Martinsville    Mar 21, 1865    Deserted May 1, 1865   
WARREN, Charles    Recruit    Martinsville    Mar 21, 1865    Deserted July 18, 1865

Company E
LUCAS, Thomas S    Recruit    Martinsville    Mar 7, 1865    Never reported supposed died
PEARSON, Enos     Recruit     Dennison     Mar 3, 1865     Deserted July 19, 1865
SPITTER, Thomas H     Recruit     Anderson     Apr 11, 1865     Discharged May 31, 1865

Unassigned Recruits
GADDY, Richard W    Auburn    Apr 12, 1865    Mustered out Jun 1, 1865   
REAM, Joseph H    Melrose    Feb 8, 1864    Mustered out Jun 8, 1865   
THRALL, Benjamin F    Orange    Mar 13, 1865    Mustered out May 23, 1865   
WALKER, David P    Martinsville    Mar 13, 1865    ---

Battles/Campaigns Engaged in: Operations against Vicksburg [Central Mississippi Campaign, Grierson's Raid], Port Hudson, Franklin, Nashville

7th Illinois Cavalry, Unassigned Recruits

MARTIN, Francis    York    Mar 8, 1865    ----   
REVELETT, Mitchell    Dennison    Mar 3, 1865    ----   
SHORT, John    Auburn    Jan 23, 1865    ----   
SMITH, Gage    Auburn    Jan 21, 1865    ----   
SMITH, William M.    Auburn    Mar 21, 1865    ----

Battles/Campaigns Engaged in: New Madrid/Island No. 10, Siege of Corinth, Corinth, Operations against Vicksburg[Central Mississippi Campaign, Grierson's Raid], Franklin, Nashville

9th Illinois Cavalry, Company C

GLEASNER, William H.H     Recruit     Westfield     Mar 7, 1865     Deserted July 18, 1865
ROCKAFELLES, Richard     Recruit     Westfield     Mar 7, 1865     Mustered out Oct 31, 1865
SWETT, Martin P.     Recruit     Westfield     Mar 7, 1865     Mustered out Oct 31, 1865

SMITH, John     Westfield     Mar 29, 1865     ---

10th Illinois Cavalry, Company H

BOWSMAN, Jackson    Recruit    Westfield    ---   
CRITCHELOW, Josiah    Recruit    Westfield    ---    Deserted Jun 1862 
DAVIS, Tilden S.     Recruit     Livingston     Jan 4, 1864     See Co. H, as re-organized
DAVIS, Tildon H.     Private     ---     ---     Mustered out Nov 22, 1865 

EVINGER, William    Recruit    Westfield    ---    Mustered out Dec 30, 1864   
HAVWORTH, Micajah    Recruit    Westfield    ---    ---   
KEITH, William A.    1st Lt.    Westfield    July 8, 1864    See Co. H, as re-organized   
KEITH, William A.    2nd Lt.    Westfield    July 10, 1863    Promoted [July 8, 1864]   
KEITH, William A.     Captain     Westfield     Not must’r’d     M.O. Nov 22, 1865, as 1st Lt.
KEITH, William A.     1st Lt.     Westfield     July 8, 1864     Promoted [Oct 23, 1865]
KEITH, William    Corporal    Westfield    Nov 25, 1861    Prom. Serg’t, then 2d Lt. [July 10, 1864]   
LINDSAY, Warren    Recruit    Clark co.    ---    See Co. H, as re-organized   
LINDSEY, Warren     Private     ---     ---     M.O. Nov 22, 1865, as Corp’l
WALKER, Granville    Private    Westfield    Nov 25, 1861    Mustered out Dec 30, 1864   
WALKER, John S.    Private    Westfield    Nov 25, 1861    Mustered out Dec 30, 1864

Battles/Campaigns Engaged in: Prairie Grove, Operations against Vicksburg[Siege of Vicksburg]

11th Illinois Cavalry

Company F
WILSON, Richard    Recruit    Westfield    Mar 23, 1865    Transferred to 5th Ill. Cav.

Company L
HITCHCOCK, Joseph C    Recruit    Westfield    Mar 9, 1865    ---

Battles/Campaigns Engaged in:
Shiloh, Corinth, Operations against Vicksburg [Central Mississippi Campaign], Meridian Campaign. Co. G only: Operations against Vicksburg[Siege of Vicksburg], Atlanta Campaign[Kenesaw Mountain, Battle of Atlanta, Jonesborough], March to the Sea

12th Illinois Cavalry, Co. M

McGINTY, Joseph     Private     York     Dec 15, 1863     Trans. to Co. H, as consol.
McGINTY, Joseph M     Private     ---     ---     Mustered out May 29, 1866

Army of the Potomac: Sep 1862 - Nov 1863 , Department of the Gulf: Mar 1864 - Feb 1865 , Department of Texas: July 1865 - May 1866 Battles/Campaigns Engaged in: Harpers Ferry, Chancelorsville Campaign[Stoneman's Raid], Gettysburg (McClellan Dragoons, later 12th Cav, Co. H and I): Penninsula Campaign, Seven Days, Antietam, Fredericksburg

17th Illinois Cavalry

Non-commissioned Staff
PLUMMER, Benjamin     Comm. Sergeant     York     Dec 23, 1863     Jan 22, 1864     Disch, Oct 15, 1865; disabil.

Company E
SMITH, Richard M     Sergeant     Wabash     Jan 22, 1864     Mustered out Nov 23, 1865
JOY, James     Private     Westfield     Jan 22, 1864     Mustered out Nov 23, 1865

Company H
FILER, Thomas     QM Sergeant     York     Jan 22, 1864     MO Jun 22, 1865 as priv.
GRANT, Adelbert     Private     York     Jan 22, 1864     Discharged Feb 20, 1865
GREENE, Jesse F     Corporal     York     Jan 22, 1864     Deserted Feb 6, 1864
MINOR, Martin     Private     York     Jan 22, 1864     Mustered out Dec 15, 1865

Duty in Missouri

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