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The People I Call Friends

These are the people who I run with. We're all good guys (and gals) for the most part but when we are all together things tend to get a little dangerous for innocent bystanders. Read on at your own risk.

Dave, Harrison, me, Mike, Victor


Dave has been my best friend for five years now. We have had a lot of adventures together and you will not find a more balls to the walls driver than this man. Yes sir, put Dave behind the wheel of his Thunderbird and you have the ingredients for a thrilling time. Just be sure to stay out of the way and if you are lucky enough to experience this rush first hand, fasten all safety belts and hold on tight! He's not always this wild though. Dave can be just about as serious as I am if he feels like it. A great friend Dave is always good to have around .


Harrison is another member of the gang. He shares our passion for fast cars and may soon have a Monte Carlo of his own. You know it's bad enough when Dave is driving around with Harrison riding shotgun, live in fear if these two have thier own V8s! Usually he is found behind the camera filming our latest escapades and adding his own commentaries. Harrison is a master of quotes and someday should write them all down in a book. Kind of quiet on his own, this man can raise hell when hanging out with the group.


Be warned! This is one crazy lunatic with a passion for fire. There doesn't seem to be anything he can't light on fire or at least mutilate beyond recognition while trying! For example, did you know that non dairy creamer is flamable? He sure as hell does! Mike is definately not a fan of cars. He was driving a huge Buick but a mailbox and a few roadkills later he bought a Ford Escort. While not as clever with words as Harrison, Mike definately can make statement. It is usually far beyond perverse and may involve pyrotechnic displays to prove his point. Well what do you know, those liter size mountain dew bottles really do become flamethrowers if done correctly!

Nick A.K.A. "Beavis"
Nick was another best friend when we were in high school. There is probably nothing out there that he has not seen or done. Nick has always has an open mind and probaly his most respectable trait is his tolerance. Nick has absolutley no problems with anyone, he can be friends with anybody even if he just met them. I have not seen him in a long time but last I heard he was planning on marrying his girlfriend Amanda.

Adam A.K.A. "Elfboy"
Adam was best friends with Nick when we were in high school. He was the second person in the group to get a car. Well, at the time we called it a car but it was really just a P.O.S. that barely got itself started. Then he bought himself a decent car. When not around the group Adam could usually be found in Sherrard with Nick looking for a good time. By senior year he began talking to Skittles who has never smiled upon the term girlfriend so we all went along with her on that. A fairly quiet man, Adam always manages to provide the group with entertainment. Just ask him what happened the night he jumped in some stranger's swimming pool.

Brian A.K.A. "Bogie"
You know when I first called him Bogie way back in third grade I never thought it would stay with him so long. This guy is a genius who loves to play the piano. He has benn a life long friend and while he didn't run around with us regularly, we were always glad to have him along. Currently he is in college at Augustana and drives his shiny new Saturn.

Scott A.K.A. "Scarlet"
I don't know (nor do I want to) where that name came from but he got it from Lisa and Skittles. Scott has a flair for doing immpressions of Monty Python lines and he is pretty good at it. I have not seen him since graduation night but I'm sure he's still around somewhere.

Cassandra A.K.A. "Skittles"
It's funny, the girl goes to school not even a half a mile away and I hardly ever see her. This is the one we call Skittles. Actually I call her that, nobody else seems to but oh well. Towards the end of senior year she started hanging out with us more often. She went to just about every dance with Elfboy but always as "friends". Her best friend and usual partner in crime, Lisa was Scott's girlfriend. Skittles was the less corrupted of the two but make no mistake about it, these two can dangerous!

By far the more dangerous of the two. Lisa was pretty much the bad influence on Skittles. Like Skittles, we saw more of Lisa as senior year went on. She was always game for a party and a great person to have as a friend. She is at college now too and most likely raising all hell.

I met Aaron the second day of school along with Joann. We have quite a bit in common and both of us plan to end up in journalism. After winning the class presidency in a landslide victory, he has promised to fight the oppressive school regime. Rage on man!

Meg A.K.A. "Tiggers"
Appropriately named this girl is always hyper. She is very devoted to her faith and also her computer which has become known as the baby. Her hyper personality matches perfectly with her roomate.

Joann A.K.A. "Pop Tart" A.K.A. "Lil' Sis"

Joann is my adopted little sister here at Clarke. She is the main reason (probably THE reason) for the no sugar warning on this page. Her name comes from her tendancy to jump out of elevators unexpectedly. In fact she is quite notorious for jumping unexpectedly. She jumped off of Mary Fran Hall here on campus yet she claims to suffer from vertigo. Joann is most assuredly my partner in crime here in Dubuque. She shares my love of cars and power just about anything.


Another member of the gang, Viktor is great about letting us come over at all hours unannounced and shoot the hell out of his front yard. While he does not share our love of driving or fast cars, he seems to think he is a better driver than Dave. Just because Dave had a "failure to overcome inertia" once does not mean he is a bad driver. Just interesting. Viktor is the also quite notorious for being able to locate the most unimaginable sites on the internet. Talk about boldly goinig where no one has gone before!


One of the friends I have here at school. Colleen is always willing to help her friends whenever the need something. She is usually the local bartender on weekends but sometimes she is hiding in her favorite places. We all know where she hides but we never say that. She is also fond of teletubbies and the phrase "noomb" which I do not understand but no longer question.


You know who you are. Giggles insists she does not know how to party but I really can't agree with her on that. She can carry on a conversation about anything from world events to well, pretty much anything. She has one of the most varied music collections I've ever seen and she is also very open to other's ideas.


I first met Anya my first year at Clarke in my British Literature class. We never really got to know each other until sophmore year where we fell in love. The longest and greatest of any relationship which I have ever experinced, Anya is one in a million. She has a natural gift for poetry, her ordinary conversation is itself pure poetry and her artwork is awe inspiring to say the least. She is especially gifted working with pencil and charcoal. Writing is just as wonderous as she excels at putting her thoughts into creative writing with a style that is all her own. She has a strong will and a passionate heart to match. I admire her for this as well as her just being herself. She has the faith of twenty people and I have never met a more devoted and kindred soul in my life. And I never will.