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The Wishing Pond

These are just some wishes that float around the waters of my pond. Again, these are my wishes so unless you just want to help pay for college, hold on to your pennies. Afterall, if that actually worked they wouldn't be mere wishes would they?

I wish I could play the guitar.

I wish I had my mom's old 442.

I wish people wouldn't judge me.

I wish I could get a book published.

I wish I could have what I have been looking for and have found. But by the twisted perverse humor of fate, have been robbed of.

I wish I could be happy more.

I wish the Cutlass was supercharged!

I wish I could write songs.

I wish the stars in the sky would show more.

I wish so much were different.

I wish people would be more open minded as less quick to grow close minded.

I wish I was better with these stupid computers.

I wish I could drive away from this hell hole and start all over again from scratch. Of course still keeping in touch with a few friends and the Vatos. Someday...

The Pad