What is an Aunt?
Good question.
An Aunt in the dictionary is
classified as the sister of one's
Father or Mother,or an Uncle's wife.
The truth is,Aunt has a much deeper meaning.
An Aunt is someone who is there for you.
An Aunt can be someone who can cook really good.
Some can and some cannot.
An Aunt has adorable little kids for you to play with.
An Aunt tolerates you picking on
her,because she picks on you alot also.
Where would we be in life without Aunt's?
We wouldn't have good food on holidays.
We wouldn't have a way of making
extra money watching their kid's.
We would have to find someone else to pick on.
An Aunt can be nosy
sometimes,other times they can be
crabby,or just plain ignore you
when you go to visit them.
But whatever the case,they still
love you and would do just about
anything for you. (reasonable that is)
They care about you,and don't want to see you get hurt.
That's why when they see you
uptown doing something wrong,they
run and tell your parents.
You'll thank them in the long run
for it,but when you're still
young,it makes you mad.
Because you then get in trouble
for it and get grounded or something.
So let me ask you a question.
Do we respect our Aunt's enough in todays world?
No we don't.
We try our best to give them all
the love and respect we can,but
sometimes it's hard to do
that,like when you have something
else on your mind.
So,in conclusion,let me give you this advice.
Love and respect your Aunt's.
They won't be around forever,so
enjoy them while they're here.
Don't get to mad at them when they snitch on you.
If you have an Aunt you don't talk
to anymore,get in touch with her,talk to her.
Never lose touch with family,even
if it's by marriage and they are
no longer part of the family.
I love you my Aunt.



I'm sorry we fight
I hate it with all my might

What if you leave me
Then what will I see?

I hate to think of this
Or how much we'll be missed

But take a minute to sit back and think
This could all be gone in a blink.

Just in case you didn't know
These are my thoughts for you......SO:

Your my best friend
And that message I will always try and send

After all, who is as good as could be
Who always takes care of me?

When I'm down & blue,
Your always my friend that is so true

I know you will always share my tears
Whether good, bad, or full of fear

You are a priceless treasure
I will care about forever

There is no anger, regret, or sorrow
Just hoping you'll be here tomorrow

There have been so many memories through the years.
When I sit back and think, they bring me to tears.

I know I haven't been the best of best friends
But we always somehow seem to mend

You are the one person I trust
And I never take advantage of

You are the best friend for me
My true homie

You're my favorite teddy bear
The one who always cares

I hope we grow old and fight with our husbands together
Promise me this will be forever!!