Does the mere mention of my name
excite you beyond reason?
Does the thought of my tongue gently teasing your lips
create a thirst so strong
only I can quench it?

And does the thought of my lips caressing your bare flesh
create a hunger so fierce only I can feed it?
Do you tremble with anticipation as my fingertips
trace a seductive path down the length of your body?

Do you whisper my name in your sigh
as my hand closes possesively around you?
And as my eager lips replace my
hand does that sigh become a moan?

Does the image of our naked bodies,
entwined in passion,
ignite a fire so intense only I can douse it?

And lastly my love,
when your final release comes,
does your whole body explode
in a kaleidoscope of feelings
so earth shattering you would die for me?

My heart, my soul, my very being, all that I am
revolves around these feelings
that only you can invoke within me.

So I ask you again my Darling....
Do you love me as I love you?

Written by Sue Cummins

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Phenomenal Women Of The Web

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