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Back in 1996 Shawn Micheals had a group known as the Kliq. The Kliq consisted of HBK,Nash(Diesel),Sean Waltman(1-2-3 Kid),Hall(Ramon), and Triple H.After the infamous MSG Incident, McMahon ordered HHH not to be friends with HBK on WWF TV, because HHH was a Heel and HBK was a face.In 1997, Triple H and Shawn Micheals friendship was revealed as they formed DegenerationX wich consisted of HBK,HHH,Chyna, and Ric Rude. Rude soon left to WCW to join the nWo while DX still was now to three. 2 Weeks before Wrestlemania 14, were Mike Tyson was set to be the inforcer for the Title Match between Austin and Micheals, they revealed Tyson's alliance with DX.Then at WM Tyson counted Micheals shoulders to the mat for the three count revealing that he isn't DegenerationX.The following night Triple H grabbed the microphone stating that Shawn Micheals dropped the ball, but not to worry because the ball is in his court now.Then HHH said he would build a DX Army tonight on RAW."You look to your blood, you look to your buddies, you look to your friends, you look to the Kliq" that was what HHH said before revealing the newest member of DegenerationX, X-Pac(1-2-3 Kid, Syxx)!!After X-Pac bashed Hogan and Bischoff they left the ring.They wern't done though, at the Main Event the Steel Cage Tag Title Match DX helped The New Age Outlaws regain the Gold Belts and gave them a spot in DX!Now DX is better then ever with great pranks, etc.Who is next to join DX?? I'll have more stuff almost everyday so check back often.
The Founders Of Degeneration X

Down Where? Down There
Shawn and Hunter
HHH, X-pac, and Chyna
All of DX
Sweet Chin Music
