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Israel 17.11, 10.2 and beyond...

Now I feel more disconnected than ever from this country. Everywhere I stare I see pain and exploitation. Even the house I'd lived half of my life in looks not as a folder of my childhood memories but only as a tool for Zionist colonization The events that occurred this last weeks came like a stormy eastern wind and exposed the real face of the Israeli left. If I had my doubts about the willingness of the Israeli side to withdraw from territories in order to reach a political agreement (there's no point in even thinking about advancing any social issue in the most reformist sense), it just blew up in my face and splashed spit drops as big as watermelons.
When the events started I was outside Israel, but already there I smelled the stench of the traditional right that came back and spread their cholera in the hearts of the people. Like hate-junkies trying to cut the habit, the new wave of abhorrence gave them a new fix straight into a main vein, in the neck, and was pumping in their vibrating bodies, inflates veins in the forehead and shooting all over without distinction. The "New Middle East" that the bleeding heart leftist promised to deliver doesn't look like a brand new suburban shopping mall anymore but more like an industrial area junkyard.
Helicopters that keep crossing the sky back and forth distract my stare from the signs calling to "let the IDF win". Israel's "restraint policy" needs to be dethroned by the revolutionary impatience of the people. Death wish: Armageddon, an all out war and death for all escapes from their throats and the bible, wrote maybe by their ancestors, proves again that it has its own life. In both religions there's a "holy war effect" (as a political solution) and the believer's anxiousness pushes them closer to God, now in a "spiritual" sense and in the near future also in a physical one.
The Israeli side lost a couple dozen persons so far and the right is already shouting and demanding from the government to "take off their velvet gloves" and to move over to heavy artillery. "Give the IDF a free hand" they are calling for, in colorful posters, and "death to Arabs" they shout the second the camera points at them - yes, the same camera they blame for not allowing the IDF to "put an end to the whole thing" with bombs from planes delivered to the center of Palestinian villages and towns. Hundreds of Palestinian casualties, thousands of wounded but it still doesn't stop them from throwing stones - they don't have the choice of moving to heavy artillery.
At first I was glad that riots took place near my house (even though fear for my parents life was eating me inside), "Bring the war home," I said to myself with a smile. It's about time people see frustration exploding near their homes from a "civilian perspective" (while they're not on active army service) and not just on TV. For example, I was naive enough to think that people would try to think and comprehend why Israeli Arabs - the Arab population-living inside the pre-'67 war border, and who are considered Israeli citizens that supposedly have it good, are demonstrating and throwing stones in the middle of Israeli cities. I thought they would wake up, open their eyes and see what happens in the territories day by day, like the continuing "judaization" going on all over the country: from confiscation of lands in the Galilee up to the building of luxury apartments in Jaffa. Obviously, it was too much to ask for and is not as fun as analyzing Arafat's mind, the pastime of the Israeli "middle eastern experts".
With this whole media whitewash, anything may sound more reasonable then the official truth: Is the current situation another "conspiracy"? For example: after reading this country's history, it wouldn't be so hard for me to believe that the state of Israel supplied the Palestinian weapons because their usage would be a perfect justification for using tanks to expel Palestinians and to create territorial facts a la 1948. Maybe it is just the obvious popular answer to Israel's refusal to compromise in everything that got to do with the peace agreements. But another possibility is that Israel was never willing to reach a peace agreement and just wanted to get rid of poor, problematic areas and their inhabitants with a nod of acceptance from the international community. Peace without justice is an empty concept in this context. And justice demands from this country much more than its current state of mind is willing to give.
The idea of using Dir Yassin as a band's name was to try and create some sort of discomfort that (we hoped) may lead to an awakening and liberation in a small part of the local youth: trading Zionist/ Jewish values for a will to explore those sides of Israel's history that hadn't been taught in our schools. But still, our pretentions were limited and nobody in the band was naive enough to believe we will be reaching more then a handful of people. If the behavior and reaction of the "scenesters" during this last months' events could be taken as a test for the reception of our ideas among them, then I know we failed.
But despite our disillusionment, desperation and feeling of failure, and even if the influence of the Israeli media is dominant in the west (where most of the copies of this record are gonna end), I know that there's an open ear for the Palestinian people and for us around the world. We're gonna keep trying, and most importantly, the Palestinian people are going to keep fighting.

Thanks and solidarity,
Dir Yassin