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AAA from Morelia, Mich.

*** Octagoncito and La Parkita vs Mini Abismo Negro and Mini Electro Shock.-

1.- The Mini tecnicos spend most of the time on the air with flying headscissors and armdrags, Octagoncito even does a top rope springboard 720º tornillo plancha to nail Mini Electro Shock! Tha leaves Mini Abismo open for a fall ending hurracanrana from La Parkita.

2.- La Parkita puts on a frankenstein monster mask to scare the mini rudos off and then jumps all over the place with some acrobatic stuff, the rudos take over with some brawling, taking the fall with Mini Abismo Negro's frog splash on Octagon and Mini Electro Shock using a powerbomb on La Parkita to even the score.

3.- Viper Brawl, later, the tecnicos react and do some armdrags, Octagoncito and Mini Abismo Negro end up on the floor, so Mini Electro Shock goes for a tope suicida, he hits the ropes first and loses some momentum, besides that, connects on Mini Abismo as Octagoncito ducks! La Parkita goes to the top turnbuckle to deliver a sick moonsault to the floor! They all go back to the ring and trade some moves, Mini Abismo gets the better of it fighting La Parkita and hitting a senton from the top to get the 3 count. However, Mini Abismo Negro soon falls to a Hurracanrana from Octagoncito, Mini Electro Shock gets a 2 count after a senton, then Octagoncito hits his top rope srpringboard tornillo for another near fall, Mini Electro tries a bridge but both of them end up pinned and it's a draw!

*** Miss Janeth, Xochitl Hamada and Rossy Moreno vs Alda, Cinthia and Esther Moreno.-

-- Las Brujas start on control with some gang tactics, the crawd was like dead there but Cinthia stages the comeback by dodging a bronco buster and the match gets hot with the Moreno sisters punishing the rudas team, all six ladies tried moves from the top turnbuckle but none of them connected, Esther tried la Casita on Miss Janeth but Hamada made the save. They go back and forth, Rossy performed a spinning torture rack on Cinthia, who then returns the punishment with a rolling death cradle. After the flying spots, the action spills to the floor, Xochitl throws Cinthia over to the crowd, Cinthia lands on Pentagon, so he starts beating the Moreno sisters, El Oriental gets there to make the save, but Xochitl nails him with a chair shot. It looks as if Xochitl and Pentagon are back together...

*** Heavy Metal vs Toro Lillingston (?).- Toro is a guy from the kickboxers and this was not a lucha match, but a kickboxer thing, Heavy won this worthless match by DQ.

*** Cibernetico and The Head Hunters I and II vs Hijo del Perro, Alebrije (w/ Cuije) and Latin Lover.-

1.- The tecnicos jump at their foes befor the bell rings, they manage to put the Hunters on the apron and then dropkick them out to the floor, Perrito and Alebrije nail them both with topes suicidas, in the ring, Cuije distracts Cibernetico, allowing Latin Lover to hit an inside cradle to get the pin and the ultrafast fall.

2.- Alebrije and Cuije got to do some comedy spots, then Latin enters to dance a while, Head Hunter I manhandles him a bit, but the tecnico then react with some kicks and a face slam, Cibernetico carried Alebrije into 'la esquina del dolor' to get the tecnico beated by the other Hunter, Alebrije ends up receiving a senton from one of the Hunters, but Cuije made the save, Cuije got a guillotine leg drop for all his troubles... someone hits a plancha on El Hijo del Perro and the fall ends by pinn.

3.- The brawling continues here, the tecncicos can do anything about that until Alebrije goes away to get a chair, the chair balances the match a little, Latin and Ciber trade their usual trunk pulling spots, Ciber goes out of the match after one of the Hunters hit him with a plancha, Perro does the impossible by going toe to toe with one of the Hunters, Perrito manages to have the Hunter close to being beated, he goes to the top to deliver the double stomp, but the other Hunter throws him out of the turnbuckle, the Head Hunter goes to the top to hit the moonsault and the match goes for los rudos!!!

CMLL from Arena Coliseo and Arena Mexico.-

*** Apolo Dantes, Mascara Año 2000 and Universo 2000 vs Brazo de Plata, Emilio Charles, and Tinieblas Jr.-

1.- Very long rudo brawling which ends in DQ for exceso de rudezas. 2.- More brawling, the tecnicos made the comeback with some kicks and punches, the tecnicos start using Porky's gut to punish the rudos, Charles and Tinieblitas hit the spots they know, Porky and Dantes go at it, Pierroth gets to the ring with a cookie sheet or something, nails Apolo, the tecnicos won't get DQd, but the referees only go for the 3 count. A big brawling with 'los boricuas' and 'los capos' followed.

*** Pierroth de Puerto Rico, Fuerza Guerrera, Villano III and Gran Markus jr Atlantis, Gigante Silva and Rayo de Jalisco jr.-Tecnicos by DQ.

*** Blue Panther, Dr Wagner Jr, Shocker and Scorpio Jr vs Negro Casas, Mr Niebla, Tarzan Boy and Lyger.-

-Elimination match- Things start hot with all the tecnicos drop kicking the rudos out of the ring into the first 10 seconds of the match, Tarzan delivers his plancha from the top while Mr Niebla hits his over the corner diving tope! Things cool down a little with Panther working a little with Mr Niebla, Scorpio enters to fight Tarzan Boy, the rudo ends on the floor to receive a tornillo pescado! Negro and Wagner go at it, the rudo dominate but then Negro uses his kicks to even the action... both teams go back and forth with some near falls and doing their spots, Blue Panther is the first one eliminated by Lyger with the small package, Wagner tries to even the score by bodyslamming Lyger and hitting a plancha, but the Japanese superstar kicks out, Negro enters to fight with Wagner, a Wagner Driver 98 puts Negro out of the match. Shocker and Mr Niebla trade some suplexes and bodyslams, then Scorpio and Tarzan follow suit, Shocker gets Tarzan Boy into a fireman carry into powerbomb-like move and gets the pin over the tecnico. Mr Niebla gets a couple of 2 counts on Wagner, first with a rana, then with a crucifix pin, Niebla does a half powerbomb on Wagner and tries 'la neblina' but the rudo kicks him off. However, a side torture rack puts Wagner out of the match by submission. Scorpio goes after Niebla, he got to do his powerbombs but couldn't beat Niebla, who sent the rudo the floor, went to the apron, to the second rope and delivered a reverse tope!!! Both get counted out!! Lyger and Shocker exchange some near pins, the ending had Lyger placing Shocker into the top turnbuckle, and going for a corner suplex, but ther rudo blocks it, slams Lyger into his face, hits missile kicks, firman into powerbomb, scorpio death lock variant, Lyger quits!!! Shocker gets a huge win and challenges Lyger for a title match.

AAA from Orizaba.-

*** Oscar Sevilla 'el Novillero' (w/ Octagoncito) vs El Apache (w/ La Jose Ramona) in a dog collar match.

-- Both try to touch the turnbuckles but can only get a couple of them, they trade some punches and kicks, then Apache hits a faceslam and takes some time arguing with the crowd, so Sevilla can drop kick him out of the ring and then deliver a springboard moonsault twisted into a somersault! Back in the ring, Apache shows some blood, Sevilla tries to go for the turnbuckles but Tirantes takles his down, Apache starts dominating, goes for a powerbomb, but you cann't powerbomb Sevilla! Faceslam, Oscar goes and touches 3 turnbuckles, but Apache pulls the chain and fouls Oscar Sevilla, allowing him enough time to take the match!

CMLL from Arena Coliseo:

*** Dr Wagner Jr, Pierroth Jr and Gran Markus Jr vs Felino, Negro Casas and Emilio Charles.-

- Only the ending was shown- Felino goes against Dr Wagner, he got some near falls with ranas and a crucifix, but then Wagner kills El Felino with the WagnerDriver 98, Negro Casas prvents the ending by kicking Dr Wagner Jr, Pierroth enters to fight with Negro, kicks Pierroth's knee, tries la casita, but Pierroth blocks and low blows Negro, ending the match in DQ. Apolo Dantes and los Hermanos Dinamitas came out to attack Pierroth and push the triangle hair match a little.

CMLL from Arena Mexico:

*** Lyger, Mr Niebla and Tarzan Boy vs Shocker, Scorpio Jr and Mascara Año 2000 (sub for Bestia Salvaje).-

1.- Scorpio beats Mr Niebla a while, but the tecnico reacts flipping everywhere, he hits his carthwheel into a reverse tope to send the rudo to the floor, and then teases a tope suicida, Lyger enters to face Shocker, they trade a couple of moves, Shocker ends on the floor, so Lyger can hit him with a plancha!! However in the ring, the tecnicos tried hurracanranas, but Mascara reversed to powerbomb Mr Niebla while Scoropi Jr faceslammed Tarzan Boy, and used a submission hold to take the fall.

2.- Tarzan hits a clothesline on Mascara, follows with flying headscissors, the rudo reacts with a clothesline of his own and a bodyslam, he goes for a Vadder drop but the tecnico rolls out of the way and then goes to the top to hit missile kicks... again, Lyger vs Shocker, Scorpip sneak attacks and the rudos start brawling, Lyger reacts and suplexes Shocker, goes to the top and delivers a falling headbutt, Mascara Año Dos Mil enters to make the save, Tarzan Boy enters to fight Mascara, who ends on the floor, the tecnico nails both with a plancha from the top, Scorpio charges at Mr Niebla, who hits a 'quebradora con giro', then puts the rudo in a side torture rack, Lyger enters, Shocker goes for a somersault flip pin, but Lyger blocks, Shocker fouls, gets the 3 count, the rudos in straight falls!!!