
IT was a cold day in new york . A day that screamed fall. People going about their lives,cursing,swearing.True newyorkers.Surely they wouldn't know what would be going on in the surer under them.

A body is floating in a river of toxic waste like a peace of drift wood.It continues for days until a man comes out of nowhere and drags it out.

"The curse is not finished my son" The man is in a suit and tie.strangely out of place for his environment.

"You are only free when I wish it!" He then puts a hand on what's left of its forehead.

"As It has always been!" The body then begins to regenerate and rise.

"I Tire of your constant deaths and defeats!!!"He has always been around. unseen by humans,he has brought him back.One time he was buried before he could do it again, but human ignorance changed that.A mothers grief was so strong that she prayed to his master to bring him back.But his master is well known for his tricks,and cruel since of humor.he brought back the soulless body of the boy ,with twisted memories ,and only feeing hate.He must now walk the earth forever killing every living thing forever.He came to his mother one night.his mother knowing that her son was really in heaven and the thing in her home wasn't really him went mad and ran from the things sight.The man in the suite did not appear until the thing was grown and the rest was history.

"The master has decided to give you the power of a demon of hell!" He put a hand on him again.

"Your heart will not die!!"

"Now go to the place where your power is strongest , your instincts will guide you!"

As Jason turned to leave a voice told him that a demon can kill another demon. So he turned around and threw him in the pool of acid ,sending him back to hell.

It took him a year to get home but he passed the time by killing everything in his path.