
It was June 20th, 2001 and Chris is celebrating his 15th birthday. He was at his new house he moved into. Chris was having a good time with his friend Shannon.

It was early in the mourning about 6:30am. Next a friend arrived at Chris's house his name is Kyle. Kyle said I cant belive your living around here.

Chris said whats a matter with me living out here. Kyle said what are you talking about you live right by camp cryatal lake. Shannon said there is nothing wrong with that.

Kyle was suprised at what she said. Kyle said Jason killed a bunch of people hear in the camp grounds over the years. Shannon asked who Jason was.

Chris said its just bull shit dont listen to him go in the living room. Shannon went into the living room. Chris and Kyle were talking and Chris said dont bring that shit up.

Kyle said its the truth and you know it. Chris said Jason has been dead for years. Kyle saying yeah well then wear is his fucking body it isnt at the hospital.

Chris said were did it go and Kyle said it turned up missing this mourning. Meanwhile at the camp a women as there. The women was sitting and Jason came from behind. Jason took out a knife and slit her throat.

Back at Chris's house All 3 left and went to Shannon's house. They all were going there to chill for a while. On the news there was a news report.

It said that a women was found killed at camp crystal lake an hour ago. Kyle was shocked and said it was Jason. Chris said it cant be he is dead.

Jason was out looking to wreak havoc anywhere. Jason saw Shannon's house 3 houses down from Chris's. Jason went there and was spying on them.

Shannon said I cant believe it, it isnt true. Kyle called Shannon a fucking pussy and Chris said that will be enough Kyle. It was 12:00pm and they all went back to there houses.

Before Chris got home 3 people were at his house waiting for him. Jason poped out and took a Machede and choped there heads off. Chris got there and Jason was gone.

Chris saw the dead bodys and said shit what the fuck happened. Chris ran to Shannon's house and told her. Shannon said it is him isnt it and Chris said yes.

Both of them went to Kyle's house and told him. Kyle said I told you so and Shannon said how do we stop him. Kyle said I dont know and Chris said theres only one way.

Chris said Kyle you know what we got to do. Chris said the both of you meet me at Bodega Bay Inn in an hour. Chris got to Bodega Bay Inn and went to the attic.

Chris saw and old trunk with cobwebs on it. Chris took out a crowbar nd busted the trunk open. In there Chris found old friends of his from years ago.

They wee 5 killer puppets in there but there is supposed to be 8. Chris said oh well you guys will do. The 5 puppets are Six-shooter, Blade, Jester, Pinhead, and Torch.

Chris told them to go find Jason and kill who ever gets in your way. Chris gave Six-shooter 3 new guns. A machine gun, Mini misle launcher, and a bomb gun.

Shannon and Kyle showed up and they took the 5 puppets outside. They let the puppets go find Jason. Chris went back to the camp to find Jason.

5 teens ran into Jason and said out of my way you bitch. Jason took out his Machede an guted them all. Meanwhile the puppets were looking around.

They came across a house that they thought Jason would be in. The Puppets went and and found 5 adults there. The puppets split up but stay in the house.

Blade and Pinhead went up stares to hide and wait. Six-shooter, Torch, and Jester stayed down stairs. The 5 adults are Josh, Seth, Amanda, Danell, and Scott.

Chris left the camp grounds and found Kyle and Shannon. They all sateyd together because it was dark out now. Back at the house the puppets were waiting.

Seth was downstairs and said he had to go somewere real quick. Seth was walking and the power went out. Six-shooter poped out and shot Seth and he died.

Six-shooter was laughing and went and hid again. Jason was back at the camp and 3 teens were there. They are Kim, Sandy, and Adam.

Adam was in a cabin by himself and he had his music up full blast. Jason came in and he didnt see it. Jason took achainsaw and sawed his head off.

Chris, Shannon, and Kyle were walking around and found another friend. His name is David and he is going to help. Back at the house Scott and Josh went upstairs.

They went into seperate rooms then Amanda went upstairs. Jester came into Scott's room. Jester took out a brain smashing mace and killed Scott with it.

Back at the camp Sandy was outside and she droped her ring. Sandy said fuck and Jason came out. Sandy ran and Jason went after her but she got away.

Chris, Shannon, Kyle, and David went to the camp. David said he will show up lets just go ina cabin. They found the cabin and Kim was in it she daid thank God.

Kim knew Chris and Kim said you got to help me Sandy is gone. David said were did she go. Kim sad Jason was after her we got to find her so thy all split into teams of 2.

Chris went with David, Kim and Kyle and Shannon said what about me. Chrs told her to come with me. The all left going into different sections of the woods.

Back at the house Amanda was getting ready to leave her room. Pinhead came in and broke her leg. Pinhead was standing there and Blade came in threw the attic.

Blade lifted his knife a little bit and slit her throat and she died. Blade was happy and went downstairs with Pinhead. Jester and Torch met up downstairs.

Chris found Sandy and started looking for the others. Sandy said you should have had radios. Jason was still looking for Sandy and he head a noise.

He heard Kim and Kyle looking for Sandy so he went after them. Json couldnt see were they were though. Chris, David, Shannon, and Sandy made it to the lake.

David said what the fuck is taking them so long. Kim and Kyle finally found them and said Jason is on his way. Chris said I know the puppets will be hear soon.

At the house Danell was walking to the kitchen. Six-shooter sot her down and Torch was watching on. Blade came got in front of her and slit her throat and she died.

Blade saw Six-shooter and they were getting ready to leave soon. Blade was looking or Josh with Six-shooter. Josh was in his room and Blade found him.

Blade told Pinhead to go kill him and Pinhead went in there. Pinhead took a staff and crushd Josh's head with it and he died. Blade found Jester and Torch.

Jason was closeby and Chris was still waiting for the puppets. The puppets got together and they left to the lake. Jason was getting closer and closer.

All of them went into the water to hide from Jason for as long as they could. Jason made it there and he tured on all the lights. Jason looked out in the water.

Jason didnt see anything but water. Next Kim came out of th water and said she couldnt breath. Chris came out and said noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! go back under!!!!.

Kim ran to the land to catch her breath. The others came out of the water and Chris told them to be quiet. Chris told Kim to get back in the water.

Kim picked herself back up and Jason took out a small kife. It was early mourning and the sun came out. Jason took the knife and threw it at Kim.

Chris yelled duuccckkkkkk and Kim didnt have enough time. The knife went right threw her hart. Kim flew back into the water with blood gushing out.

Chris went up to her but she was already dead. Chris said you son of a bitch! and Chris went after Jason. Chris got in front of him and Jason stabed him in the stomach.

Chris fell over and the puppets arrived. Six-shooter shot Jason 6 times and he fell over. Jason got up and trew a knife at Six-shooter and it nailed him.

Six-shooter was still alive but fucked up bad. Blade came and stabed Jasonin the leg with his hook. Jason fell over and Blade sliced Jason's mask off.

Jason threw Blade into eletrical wires and Blade was eletrecuted. Blade's Fedora hat fell off and his Trenchcoat was messed up. Jason then got to his feet.

Blade was also barely alive but he was. Jason was going to finish Blade off and Jester and Pinead went after him. They did a number on him but he got back up.

It seemed to be all over but Blade using what little strength he has left sliced Jason's leg. Jason fell over. Blade went down but wasnt knocked out.

Torch came and Jason got back up Torch set Jason on fire. Jason burned for a few minutes then the flames went out. Jason fell over and he died.

Chris, Shannon, Kyle, David, and Sandy were all ok. They took the puppets and left and they went to Bodega Bay Inn. Chris repaired all the puppets back to perfect.

Chris put the puppets in the trunk and went back to crystal lake. here he saw Jason still dead all burnt up. David, Shannon, Kyle, and Sandy showed up in a truck.

Chris talked to them for a few minutes. They said come with us Chris and Chris said not right now. There are sme things I need to take care of hear first.

They said alright when will you show up at Bodega Bay Inn though. Chris said in a wekk let me sort everything out. They said alright and drove off.

It was 12:32pm and it was sunny out. Chris waved bye as the left and they were gone. Chris stood there and Jason got up and raised his Machede at Chris and Chris doesnt even know he is there.

The End?......
Coming soon: Jason VS. Puppet Master: 2