In this 1968 black and white sequel to At
Midnight..., Coffin Joe returns to once again
look for the perfect woman to give birth to his
son. This time, instead of cruising around town,
he brings a bunch of ladies home. He uses a
series of tortures to find out which one has a
black soul that can match his and be worthy
enough to mother his child. Eventually, Joe gets
sent to Hell, where he must face the evil of his
own madness!
José Mojica Marins wanted an air of authenticity
to the film. So during one of the scenes, 50 real
live tarantulas were allowed to crawl all over
the sleeping ladies! But the best part comes when
Coffin Joe gets sent to Hell. José Mojica Marins
only had one can of color film. So he saved it
for that 10 minute segment. There's nothing
better than Hell IN FULL COLOR!