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Bottle-Nosed Dolphin

Tursiops truncatus

Average size:

  • Newborns: 3 1/2-4 feet
  • Adults: 8-9 feet
  • Weight: up to 600 pounds

    In the Pacific they go as far as northern Japan and southern California to Australia and Chile; in the Atlantic regions, from Nova Scotia and Norway to Patagonia and the South African tip. They are common in the Mediterranean Sea; in the Indian Ocean from Australia to South Africa.

    Things you didn't know:

  • Bottle-Nosed Dolphins bellies range from light grey to pink.
  • They eat fish and cephalopods and occasionally crustaceans.
  • Bottle-Nosed Dolphins are the most widely known dolphin.
  • These dolphins may be the most agressive dolphin species in the wild.
  • Dolphin calves stay with their mother for about 6 years.
  • The Bottle-Nosed Dolphin swims in groups of about 15 animals.
  • Sometimes they are spotted swimming with Pilot Whales.
  • The Female Bottle-Nosed Dolphin may give birth to a calf every other year.