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Read the following one line at a time and do just as it says.  Ready?
1) pick a number from 1-9 
2) subtract 5 
3) multiply by 3 
4) square the number (multiply the number by itself) 
5) add the digits up until you get only one digit (ex: 64: 6+4=10 = 1+0=1) 
6) if the number is less than 5, add 5.  If not, subtract 4 
7) multiply by 2 
8) subtract 6 
9) map the digit to a letter in the alphabet (ex: 1=a, 2=b, 3=c, etc.) 
10) pick a name of a country that begins with that letter. 
11) take the second letter in the country's name and think of an animal 
that begins with that letter 
12) think of the color of that animal and then click here.

Lil Ditty