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Lil Ditty: Updates

July 18
Today I changed the sister sites page by getting rid of all the dead links and also by using dolls as buttons for the pages instead of SISTER SITES FOREVER
July 17
I haven't worked on the page in a while because we were moving into a new house but I added new stuff today. I re-added the cahnging clothes cartoon doll and the Cheerleading Club. I newly added Join Cliques, Celebrity Addresses and the Coming Soon page.

July 30
Well today I added a new sister site. Leslie and I also added a new award that I won, and 3 new songs in the Jukebox. Fly Away, What's my age again and Jammin. I won't be able to update for quite a while because I have cheerleading camp from the 2-5 and I'm going to the beach from the 7-14 so it won't be updated for a while. But please send me email because I'll still read it so I will get back to you ASAP if you sent me email! July 29
Today I added a red haired doll to the cartoon dolls section, I added a new award in the awards section and I'm currently working on awards that you can win for your page! July 16
Well I added 3 new sister sites and all of them have GREAT pages. I like them soo much! Hmm...not much other stuff has been updated OH! except I put that cute little adopted Kitty Buttercup on the index page. she's cute! I was thinking of adopting some pets because they are really cute. Right now I'm in the process of making a Ralph Wiggum page(you know Chief Wiggums son from the Simpsons, he's so cute) oh wait I did update a lot of stuff hehe. I updated Kima's page added some new graphics and got the links page up I also updated Dolphin Paradise and added an adopted dolphin too. ok thats about it!

July 11
Today I made a seperate page just for my sister sites. I also added a new one. Becky so check her page out! To find out how to be a sister site or a brother site go to Sister Sites. I also changed the backgrounds on the cliques, and awards pages cause they were the tackiest things you've ever seen. Also if you've come here for a cartoon doll well I'm not making them personally anymore. But I am making a special doll that changes clothes everyday. go to to get the special code for your page. Well that's about it for the updates!

June 25
Well today I made the updates page! hehe. I also changed the main image on the index page. The one I used to have before is at the bottom of the page. That's about all the updates. Check back!