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Meet Lambie the Sexy Elf -OR- Meet Lambie the Very Sexy Elf

Well, if it wasn't my audience again? Both of you! Well, finally we get to meet the star of the my episodes: LAMBIE! Lambie and I started discussing with evils about something that once troubled Fansy...

Beatles r teh ultimate Good Bards!

Then Lambie and I started discussing, with or without our evil listeners, what we should do next!:

d00d, lets go evil and pwn eveyone!

Next thing!:

let them eat some cake (when they're baking is mastered)

I decided to check up on my listeners, who seemed unresponsive now:


Through lotsa conversations like this, we realized that, no one was listening anymore! Really! This made Lambie sad, and she was a Flower of Happiness! I decided to do something about it: [deleted text]. See ya next time!