Getting to know a little bit about me...

Here's where I bore you to tears with all kinds of silly little tidbits about me. But what the hell... It's your dime!

I've been online almost three years now. And what an interesting time it has been. A lot of things have happened to me in that time. Some good, some not so good. Oh well, that's the way it is all over.

I'm sure I'll be updating this page from time to time. As soon as I can think of more things to bore you with... hehehe

Let's see... Currently, I'm divorced. This is my second divorce. A fact that I'm not too proud of...

I had three beautiful children with my first warden, I mean husband... LoL

I have a 18 year old son, a 15 year old son, and an 12 year old daughter.

My boys live with their father, so it's just me and my baby girl. Every night is a girls night out! WooHoo!

We have a yellow Labrador Retriever, our protector, (yeah, right... LoL) and a crazy cat named Spyder.

I have everyones pics on here, which you will see, if you so chose...

What do I do for fun?

I like pretty much any kind of outside activity. I love to hike, camp, swim, take pictures, take road trips...

I like to read. I'm really into Anne Rice at the present, but I've done the Stephen King thing, too. Dean R. Koontz and John Saul are another two favorites.

I love to tell and hear jokes. You know, I wonder sometimes if my co-workers get tired of me and my silly jokes... LoL

I'm kind of fond of my house plants, too... I even have a picture of my favorites on here.

My African Violets

Here are a few links I'd like you to take a look at when you find the time...

Pics of me and my family...

Pics I've taken of southern Illinois...

My Home in Cyberspace...

My Favorite Jokes...
