Welcome to the Main Barn at Double K Ranch. This barn is designed to showcase some of the horses in my model horse collection. Although I collect a wide variety of breeds, my ranch specializes in stock horses such as Appaloosas, Mustangs, Paints, and Quarter Horses.
A model horse is a small-scale replica of the "real thing." These horses can be made from almost any kind of material (plastic, cellulose acetate, china, or resin). Popular scales range from Traditional (about 10 inches high) to Micro Mini (about 1 inch high). A few of the common model horse manufacturers are Breyer, Peter Stone, Hagen-Renaker, NorthLight, Grand Champion, and Ertl. Some people even make their own model horse sculptures out of wire and epoxy. I collect original finish horses, although some of my horses have been customized. This can be as simple as repainting the horse a different color or as complex as changing the position of a model horse's legs or neck.One of the most exciting aspects of the model horse hobby is showing your horses. In photo shows, you send pictures of your horses to a judge, who looks at the pictures and ranks them. At a live show, people bring their models to a central location, such as a show hall, and place them on tables so the judge can evaluate them in person. It's fun to try and win ribbons with your favorite model horses. If you can't own a real horse, why not try model horses?
The links in the table below will lead you to individual breed pages. These pages incorporate real horse breed history with pictures of several of my model horses.
Appaloosa Avenue | Mustang Manor |
Paint Pavilion | Quarter Horse Corral |
Here are some pictures and stories from various model horse events I've attended.
BreyerFest '99 Report | Library Display |
Photo and text Copyright 1998-2003 by Keri Krause. Please do not use this material without my permission. Thank you.Last Updated: 10/22/03
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