Birthday song
Dear Chichiri,
Since I'm a busy
college student I didn't have time to get you a present. So, I made
you this web page while avoiding my homework.
While searching
through my room for my chemistry I found something that I thought might
be helpful on your birthday. This is an all purpose Kasa Kleaner
(c) and a Kesa Stain Stick (c). These two cleaners will remove whipped
cream, jello, vomit (see RnR), and all types of drool. These products
may attract certain green-haired chicks with big keys and hopefully will
repel drooling fans.
Anyway, have
a great 24th birthday. And gomen about the last picture - I just
had to. (Hope you don't get too wrinkled.)
-- Beth (no da)
Here's some Chichiri links for your viewing pleasure.
(Please don't drool too much - he's wet already. "Da!")
Special Thanks to Mike Potter for
helping out with this caption ^_^