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EJ's HoMEpAGe! Dont forget to sign the guestbook =)

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This site is dedicataed to Vem one of the greats ever Vem we did so crazy stuff and I am going to miss you....take care and dont forget the beach pics. Keep in touch and to your whole family thanks for all the great times and may you have a great time in Belguim if thats how you spell it.....whaeva anyways take care of yourself and your whole family. IMMA GO CRY NOW BYE BYE....:~(
Welcome all of you to mah page. Well take a look around and tell me if you likes what you see aight.

Here's the low down on EJ.

My full name is Edward John Wiser. I'm 16 years old, turned 16 January 25, 1999. I'm a sophmore at Glenbard South High School......class of 01' I play basketball all the time.....when I can. I love schooling people like........Jofe, KUYA Jette, Cheg, Tootie, Dex, Sid, Vem, and Geno. Oh i never school joie......rite Joie he is just tooooooo good......happy now joie. When am I gonna get to school you guys again. I hope soon so keep practicing, you still have some time to prepare. I also love playing pool I'm pretty good at it too so if you want to play I'll challenge you. I also like playing football. Oh yea hey Nanny Confusion Club!

I love watching Sailor Moon and Dragon BallZ. My favorite is Sailor Mercury, incase you wanted to know. I watch them both everyday and I'm addicted to them. I also love watching wrestling, WCW and WWF. Dex, WOLFPAC baby, WOLFPAC -4- EVER rite Dex. Goldberg SUCKS the OUTSIDERS baby. No your not Big Poppa Pump and not even close. Stone Cold is better than Undertaker and would kick his.....butt.


I am also a member of the elite squad HHK. If you think that you might know what HHK stands for you have been fooled no one knows what it stand for. To those SCC I got two words for ya, "I"M SORRY". From this day forward we all live in harmony...............I hope.

New and updated stuff....*NEW*
Pics of mi familia
Pics of mah buds
Newer pics
Shout outs to my buds at school
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