Joking lead to serious conversation and we decided that we would write up papers for soul lease. The following is the paperwork that we came up with for the leasing of my soul.
I, Emily Hasler hereby relinquish my soul to Ella Rotman for the time period of one month as long the following conditions are met.
1. Ella Rotman will pay payment of 25 American cents to Emily Hasler at the beginning of the leasing period.
2. Ella Rotman will pay a security deposit of one American dollar to Emily Hasler at the beginning of the leasing period. It will be returned at the end of the leasing period if the soul is returned without damage.
3. The soul must not be harmed in any way, shape or form.
4. The soul will not be sublet.
5. No pets will reside in the soul.
6. No smoking/eating/drinking in the soul.
7. No sex in the soul.
8. The soul will be kept clean at all times to the satisfaction of Emily Hasler.
9. Soul maintenance will be provided and paid for by Ella Rotman.
10. The soul will be kept in an appropriate container.
11. The soul will be exercised.
12. The soul will not be abused. It must recieve all the care it requires.
13. The soul will be leased from midnight March 26, 2000 to midnight April 26, 2000.
14. Ella Rotman will provide all care for the soul a.k.a. no one may baby-sit the soul.
15. The soul will only be exposed to good music.
16. If the soul becomes possessesd by the devil, Ella Rotman must relinquish her own soul to Emily Hasler. And, Ella Rotman will return the original soul to Emily Hasler.
The undersigned hereby agree to follow the above rules. Any violations will result in termination of the lease, the buttering of many tomatoes, the loss of insulting privileges, the squelching of eight little weasels and legal repercussions.
Neat isn't it? I think I might go into full time business this way...maybe I can pay for school. If interested, e-mail me and maybe we can work out some sort of similar deal.