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Pokémon in my Pocket

~ Hello ~
Welcome to my Adopt a Pokémon. I hope that you enjoy them.

I only ask a few things and they are:

(1) DO NOT directly link to the pics and cert's, please download
-- How To Download --
To download the pictures on my page, click and hold down on your preference and then select "save as". Choose a filename and click OK.If your using a pc be sure to use the right mouse button.
or if you are on webtv, please transload, if you need to know about transloading click HER E

(2) Please use the cert. and link back to here so that other people can enjoy the Pokemon's.

(3) Please DO NOT steal these, they were made for me to use on here for adoptions.

(4) Please DO NOT change the size, color etc.. of the pics.

(5) Signing my Guestbook would be nice, so I know who adopted, but it's not a requirement.

(6) And finally, the most important rule of all..Have Fun and enjoy your new friend *S*.

If you can not go by my simple rules, then, please don't adopt. Thank You

Thats it.
I hope that you enjoy your new friend or friends.

Please use this code when putting your Pokémon on your page.

<CENTER> Meet my Pokémon<BR> <IMG SRC=http://www.pokemon here.gif><BR> <a href= adopt .html> <img src=http://www.cert here></a><BR> To adopt a Pokémon<BR>Click <a href= adopt .html><U>HERE!</U></A> </CENTER><P>

Sorry for this inconvience, If there are spaces in the code that shouldn't be I'm sorry there should be no spaces.

Thank you for understanding.

When finished, It'll look like this.

Meet my Pokémon

To adopt a Pokémon
Click HERE!

Or you can use this cert.

Meet my Pokémon

To adopt a Pokémon
Click HERE!

I will be adding more Pokémon's in the future, come back and check again.

I also now have the list of all the 151 Pokémon's plus 3 new Pokémon's.
Come check it out.
~Pokémon's List ~

I now also have a list of all the badges, and what they mean. come check it out *S* =(^_~)= ***Click Here***To go to that page.


Official Pokemon Soshiki This site is part of the #1 Official Pokemon Soshiki.
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Don't forget to sign the guestbook. =^..^=

Guestbook by GuestWorld View My old Guestbook

Put this banner on your page, if you like. All I ask is that you link it back to here.Thankx

Or you an use my Link Exchange banner.

Click ***Here*** To go to my Links page.

Click***Here*** To go to my awards that I won page.

Hey if you want come on over and join my new club "The Cartoon Charm Exchange".
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