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FeLV-Related Sites

In dedication to:

(1988 - 1997)

Please visit Sylvia's Journey of New Hope that is dedicated to spreading the word about the dangers of vaccination site sarcomas . This is an award-winning page, and it deserves our attention and efforts every bit as much as this page does.

Click here for another "layperson" description of Injection Site Sarcomas complete with a definition list of terms used.

Please also visit Bear's and Nali's Feline Leukemia (FeLV) Web Site. There is a great deal of information about this disease, how to find a home for FeLV+ cats, and much, much more.

Petition Against Animal Cruety- Please Sign

Please Spay and Neuter Your Pets

A Tribute To Our FeLV Bridge Kitties

I have created a "tribute" page dedicated to all of the FeLV bridge kitties out there. If you have a picture you'd like to submit (or just the name, birth date (gotcha date?), and bridge date)of your bridge kitty along with a few words of tribute, send a note to Barb at: , and she'll add it to the page as soon as she can. To view the page, go to: A Tribute To Our FeLV Bridge Kitties.

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