F.O.O continued

...continued from page 1

"Everyone! The Great Cool Person has everything under control!" they yelled.
"Who are you?" Mike asked the guy.
"Why, I'm Israel's Son." He pointed at Israel, who waved back.
"Maybe you can help us then." Mike said.
"I'll certainly try."
"Could you ask the ringleader, Great Cool Person, if she can see us?" Mike asked politely.
"Well.." Israel's Son was a bit hesitant. "I'm not sure." He looked at Mike, then at his friends. They all had pleading faces.
"Oh, fine. But I'm not guaranteeing anything." he said and left. When Israel's Son left, all the freaks and other people left, leaving the six travelers and Sweep alone in the ballroom.

"I sure hope we get to see the Great Cool Person." John said.
"Yeah, they better. I'd like to go home before Tomorrow." Daniel commented.
"I want my FML. That's all." Mike said, looking around the colossal tent. "This tent sure is large. I thought it would be really small and dark. It's almost like a castle. I wouldn't necessarily mind crashing here if the rest of the place looks like this."
"That'd be cool... but I don't know if I want to stay. I'd love to get back home." Chris said. He looked over at Ben, who was sitting in a plush, pure silver chair.
"Ben! What's up? You seemed spaced out." Chris walked over to Ben.

"I was just thinking about what it would be like if I were the Great Cool Person and could have whatever I wanted, like she obviously does." Ben said.
"First off, you'd have breasts." Daniel said, smiling. "Seriously, that would be heaps cool. I never thought about it that way." he said excitedly.
"Yeah, I'd have a Magic Mountain built in my backyard!" Chris exclaimed.
"Oh, if I were ruler of the earth.." Daniel started to sing.
"I'd spend most of my time in the surf." Ben finished. Everyone clapped.
"I'd have you guys come over all the time." Daniel said to Page.
"We'd be happy to. And when we came, we'd have a wicked looking bus." Page said
"Freak Show would sell 90 million copies!" Chris added gleefully.
"I'd find a girlfriend that was really cool!" Ben smiled.
"I'd never have to read another 'Me too!' post in my life." Mike said.
"I'd sign dozens of really good bands." John sighed.
"Wouldn't that rock? I'd get Sweep some good stuff." Daniel said, petting his beloved dog.
"Yeah, then maybe he'd stop chewing on my drumsticks." Ben said. Everyone was still talking about what they'd have when Israel's Son returned.

"Ahem." He said and everyone turned around, silent.
"Our ringleader will see you now." he said. Everyone cheered.
"We're going home!" They were overjoyed.
"Follow me." Israel's Son led them to the BACKSTAGE curtain and stopped to face them. "Just go down the hall. Good luck!" he pulled back the curtain to reveal a long dark hallway, lit only by candles. Taking a breath, Ben walked in, closely followed by the others.

They all looked at the cavernous hallway, which was dark and depressing.
"I take back what I said about this girl's place." Mike said.
"I don't. I'd just do some interior decorating." Page said.

Soon they reached the end of the hallway and a large green curtain that said 'The Ringleader' was in front of them, the only thing separating them from their desires. Page pulled it back and they walked in.

"Come in!" a booming voice sounded. They cautiously walked forward.
"For a female, she sure is deep." Mike said.
"What do you want?" In front of them stood a seven foot person, dressed in a typical ringleader's outfit: a black tux, a red cummerbund, a black hat, and a microphone in her hand.
Intimidated, everyone stayed quiet.
"Well?" She demanded. Ben stepped forward.
"Um, well, you see, we were sent here to ask you a favor.." Ben started, but the sharp voice of the Ringleader cut him off.
"Favor? Why would I want to do you all a favor?" She asked and Ben stepped back, scared of this female.
"I'll bet this chick will scare Ben away form any female again. He's not gonna be as frisky." Daniel whispered to Chris.
"We're saved." he whispered back. The Great Cool Person overheard them.

"Silence!!!" she roared. Daniel stepped forward. He decided to take matters into his own hands.
"Well, it would be really nice. We traveled really far and we just want to go home." he said. Sweep barked approval.
"Aw, how sad." The Great Cool Person said sympathetically. They smiled.

"I don't care!!" She yelled. "I have no desire to help anyone." They looked depressed at this. Chris, the usually shy one, stepped forward to try his luck.

"Look, Cool Person. We really don't care if you care. It's nice here and all, but we like it better at home. Now, we've traveled forever, put up with an annoying guy throwing disks at us, a long FML of 'Me too!' posts, a freaky forest, a field filled with Petrol & Chlorine, and one hell of a witch, Courtney Love."
"And I had to wash my hair!" Daniel piped in.
"You almost owe it to us to send us home, give Mike a decent FML, John some worthy bands, and Page a good looking tour bus." Chris said triumphantly.
Everyone was shocked.

"Hey, Ben, I think the Petrol & Chlorine really got to him." Daniel whispered to Ben. He nodded. They looked at the Cool Person.
"Courtney Love, eh?" she asked.
"Yeah, Courtney Love!" Chris yelled. He was on a roll and wasn't gonna stop.

"Hey, kid, calm down. Now that you mention her, I see I should help you." Everyone beamed. "Let's make a deal. I'll help all of you. I'll give a good FML, cool bands, a groovy looking tour bus and I'll send you all home." she started.
"Hey, awesome!" Ben said.
"But.." The Cool Person interrupted. "You must do something for me."
"OK, whatever." Watson said, getting impatient.
"Courtney Love is evil.."
"Damn right!" Daniel said.
"Anyway, I want to see her gone. But what annoys me the most is her hair." The Cool Person said.
"Yeah, it's really ugly." Mike said.
"Almost as bad as Daniel's." Ben smirked.
"I want you to bring it all back to me." She said. They were all stunned.

"We can't do that!"
"Shave her head, rip it out, do whatever. Just bring it to me." The Ringleader said.
"We can't do that!" Ben repeated.
"Yes, you can. I have total confidence in you. If you believe in yourselves, you can do anything." The Great Cool Person said gently.
"Well, let's go then." Mike said.

"Just remember. Don't give in. And don't go hiding in the Shade." The Cool Person said. With that, they were off. They went out a curtain marked 'Outside' and found themselves in another forest.

"This place sure isn't a sunny place." John commented. The forest was shady and bleak. The trees were bare. No animals were around. Suddenly there was a noise.

"What is that?" Mike asked. There were faint high-pitched screams up in the air.
"Sounds like girls." Page commented.
"Here's your chance Ben." Daniel grinned.

"Oh my God!!!!! Look! It's silverchair!" a girl screamed from up above. More shrieks followed hers.
"It's..." Daniel squinted, "flying Teenies?!?"
"Flying Teenies. I swear, weirder and weirder." Ben commented.
"Run! They're coming here!" Mike said. The three 'chair members ran off.
"Teenies chasing us, that's one thing. But flying ones??" Daniel yelled. He looked back to see where Ben and Chris were but instead came face to face with the Head Teenybopper herself.

"AAUGH! I'M FACING ONE!!!!" She screamed in her high-pitched voice. deafening him. He stopped to grab his ears. The screeching had also gotten to Ben and Chris, who also stopped.
"This hurts!" Chris yelled. But, since they stopped, the Flying Teenies had the perfect opportunity. They picked the three of them up and flew towards Courtney's castle.

"This must have been what the Great Cool Person meant when she said to don't hide in the shade." Page said.
"We have to go get them." John said. Him, Mike and Page started to walk when they heard a bark.

"Sweep! Daniel would kill us!" Mike went back to get Sweep, but it was too late. A stray Flying Teeny had stayed back.
"Oh, what a cute doggie," she squealed. Sweep barked again, "Oh, you like me. I'll take you with." She picked her up before Mike could reach her, and they were gone.

Meanwhile, at Courtney's castle, the Flying Teenies had returned with Ben, Chris and Daniel.

"Oh, good, they're here. It's almost showtime. I need the guitar." She cackled, eyeing the silver PRS. Daniel held it closer.
"I'm still not giving it to you and this sure didn't help much. You'll just have to find another guitar." Daniel told her. She gave them an evil look.
"Look, we want No Association with you." Ben told her. Courtney seemed amused by this.
"Oh, really? Well, guess what. I want a lot of association with you three!" Ben's statement really sparked something inside Courtney.

"Take them to the room! I can see we need to have a little conversation." she said.
"We get to touch them again?" the Flying Teeny near Chris asked giddily, while eyeing Chris. He cringed.
"Yes!" Courtney was getting frustrated with the Flying Teenies. "Just take them there!" The Flying Teenies squealed. They started to lead Ben, Daniel and Chris, clinging on for dear life until someone yelled, "Wait!" Everyone turned to look.

"Look at the sweet puppy I found." the Flying Teeny said, holding Sweep.
"Awww!" the Teenies cooed in unison.
"No, not Sweep!" Daniel said.
"Oh, that's your dog!" Courtney was grinning wickedly. "Well, with that knowledge...take the dog to your room and play with it." she told the Flying Teeny.
"Really? Thanks!" she ran off happily with Sweep in her arms.
"Not my Sweep!" Daniel had a pained look on his face. Courtney was taking it all in, smiling.
"Now, let's go!" Soon they reached a room. Courtney opened it and the Flying Teenies led them in.
"Sit!" she ordered. They sat.

"Now, like I said before, all of you are here for a reason." She started. Turning to look out the window, Daniel, Ben and Chris took the opportunity to talk.
"That teeny had her hands a bit low!" Chris whispered.
"And we thought Ben had a chance." Daniel giggled.
"Silence!" Courtney yelled. They jumped.

"I want you to be my soldiers! I want you to be my Slaves!" she screamed. Then there was silence.

"But most importantly, I want the PRS." she smiled. Daniel clutched it even tighter.
"Oh, so you don't want to give it to me then?" Daniel shook his head. "Fine then!" she screeched. She walked over to the door, the three Flying Teenies reluctantly following.

"You can just stay in here then. See this?" Courtney held up a Cicada-shaped clock. "When it rings at 8:30, a half hour before showtime, you three will fall under my hypnotic spell. You, blondie, " she pointed at Daniel, "You will give me the guitar." Daniel just rolled his eyes. She came over to Chris.
"I will make you play in my band." he had a disgusted look on his face. Then she came to Ben.
"I will let my Flying Teenies do what they wish to you." Ben looked kind of scared.
"Go Ben!" Daniel whispered. Courtney snapped her head. Then, as if the lightbulb went off in her head, she smiled.

"And, as for you blondie, "she grinned wickedly, "after I get the guitar, you will be my Slave, "she paused for effect, "and I'll make you listen to my Hole CD's over and over forever!"
"No!!!" he yelled as Courtney laughed.
"Well, just remember that this might have all been avoided if you had given me the guitar. See you at 8:30" Courtney said. she put the Cicada clock down and left.

"Well, now what?" Chris asked.

Meanwhile, back in the forest, Mike, John and Page were still trying to figure out how to save the 'chair.
"We could say we are mailmen." Page suggested.
"Three of us? No way." Mike said. He walked over to the rocks where he could see the castle. John and Page followed.
"Lots of people." Page commented. Tons of people were milling around outside. Excited chatter could be heard.
"Looks kind of like a concert." Page said.
"Maybe someone good I could sign." John said wistfully.
"Not at Courtney's Castle." Page replied.
"That's it!" Mike said suddenly. Page and John looked at him, waiting for him to explain.

"It's got to be a concert, right?" then nodded. "So we go and pretend we're fans." he smiled.
"Perfect!" they exclaimed in unison, They walked down and soon they were a part of the crowd.

"So, ready for Courtney's 1, 306th show?" the girl asked Mike.
"Oh, um, of course!" he said. The girl smiled back at him and turned around. It was going to work. Soon the doors opened and they were inside. Carefully they broke away from the crowd and went in search of the 'chair.

"Where could they be?" John said. He felt something on his foot. Surprised, he looked down to see a familiar face.
"Sweep!" he said, leaning down to pat her. Sweep just barked and wagged her tail.
"What?" Page said. "I think she's trying to tell us something." Sweep barked again and started to walk down a hall.
"Follow her!" Mike said. Sweep was still walking and turned so they were facing a door. John reached for the handle and opened it. Sweep barked in and ran over to Daniel.

"Sweep?" he said, bewildered. Daniel Ben and Chris looked over to see three happy faces.
"Mike! John! Page!" they said.
"We'll say hello later. Let's just get out of here." Mike said,. They ran out the door and down the hall way. They ran left, right into Courtney and a bunch of her fans.

"Going somewhere?" she asked.
"Run!" Page said. The six of them and back in the direction they came from, trying to escape the fans that had accumulated in he halls. When they turned down the hallway, there were just more fans.

"We're surrounded!" Mike yelled. They were stuck in the corner. Courtney stepped out from the mass of people.

"Trying to escape? What, unsatisfied with the accommodations?" she asked sweetly.
"Well, it didn't work." she sneered. Sweep barked.
"Come here." Courtney pointed to a fan, who was riding a llama.
"Give me the bottle, please." She demanded. The boy got out a small blue bottle.
"Once you drink this, you will be my Slaves." she laughed, grabbing Chris first.

"No!" Daniel tried to save Chris. On his way, he stepped on Sweep's tail. Angry, she bit the leg of the llama next to her. The llama, outrages, spit at Sweep. It missed Sweep and instead landed on Courtney's shoe. She jerked away.
"Oh no! Llama spit! I'm doomed!" she said. Suddenly smoke arose and she started to melt.
"How dare you! I'm melting!!! Oh, where is my sympathy? Damn you Kurt lookalike! Now I can't release my next album 'I Didn't Kill Kurt!'. I can't sing anymore." she whined as she sank down deeper and deeper into a puddle. Soon, all that was left of Courtney was a small puddle and some hair, which a janitor came and mopped away. The hair lay there, like a miniature haystack.

"The llama killed her!" one of the fans said. It was silent. Ben, Chris and Daniel had stunned looks on their faces. Sweep trotted over to Page, who got down and pat her.

"Yea!" an colossal cheer came from al the people. The six travelers were confused.
"Wait. I don't get it. You're happy?" Ben asked.
"We thought you liked her." Mike added.
"Oh, no. She hypnotized us with that 'Miss World' song. But now that she's gone, we have broken free." the guy on the llama said.
"Yeah, now we can listen to good music. Thanks you guys!" a girl in the back said. Everyone cheered again.
"Well, sure. Um, one thing. Can we take her knotty hair? The Great Cool Person requested it." John said.
"Well, sure, if you'd kindly do one more thing for us." the guy on the llama said.
"Well, sure." Chris said.
"See, we haven't heard anything except Hole music. Would you mind playing a Pop Song For Us Rejects?" the guy asked. People nodded in unison.
"You guys aren't rejects, though." Ben said.
"Well, since all we know is Hole, we feel like rejects." the guys said. People nodded.
"Well, we can do that." Daniel said. He strapped on his PRS. Someone brought out a bass and drums for Chris and Ben, and, indeed, they played Pop Song For Us Rejects.

"Addiction's held you back.." Daniel crooned. People danced along, moshing and bodysurfing. It was a good get together and a great reason to celebrate. Everyone cheered.
"Thanks guys." a girl said. She walked over to them, hugged each of them and handed Mike a bag with Courtney's hair in it.
"Hey, thanks to you all too and good luck in your quest for good music." Mike said. He took the bag and they were gone.
"We're almost home" Ben said longingly.
Within a short walk, they were back to the Great Cool Person's room.

"Look! We have it!" Mike said, holding up the bag. "Oh, really?" The Cool Person said with a hint of disbelief. "Good, leave it there. Come back in about a week or so and I'll think about it. Goodbye." She said.
"What?!?" Page asked, outraged.
"No! You said you'd help us when we brought back Courtney's hair. Here it is!" Daniel exclaimed.
"Well, I said I'd think about it, didn't I?" she said.
"You lied to us. I don't like people that Lie To Me." Ben said angry.
"Deal with it, kid." The Cool Person said. They started to all yell at her when Sweep trotted over to a small black curtain that blended in so well with the room. She pulled back the curtain to reveal a girl, no older than 15, wearing a silverchair shirt and jeans, talking into the microphone. Sweep barked and the six of them looked over to see this girl.

"I'm the Great Cool Person, the Ringleader of the City of Freaks. You have to do.." She trailed off when she realized that Sweep had pulled back the curtain and there were six very angry people looking at her.

"Oh, hi!" she boomed. Laughing weakly, she turned off the microphone. "This is really, um, inconvenient for me, isn't it?" she said, blushing. All of them were giving her evil stares and Sweep was growling.

"So, um, hi. I'm the Great.....Cool... aw, forget it! I'm not Great. I'm not too cool either, obviously, if I did this to you, am I?" she said, looking at them.
"No, this isn't too cool." Chris said.
"I'm so, so, so, so sorry. Really, I am." the girl looked like she was close to tears.
"What is your problem, getting our hopes up?!? Do you know what we've been through?" Daniel was enraged.
"Yeah, you told me." she said sheepishly.
"You have to be one of the most incredibly dumb people ever!" Mike added in.
"I said I was sorry!" she persisted. She felt tears welling up in her eyes.
"To think I had actually thought that someone was gonna help us! I sure was wrong!" John said, angry.

"Stop! Please!" she said. The tears were coming. She just couldn't take it. Not only do they hate me, they probably think I'm the biggest crybaby, she thought. Ben looked at the girl. She was sobbing at this point, and everyone was yelling at her. Although she had really disappointed them, he felt kind of bad for her. So he did what any caring person would do. He walked over and put his arm around her.

"Hey..what is your name?" he said. She looked up at him through teary eyes.
"Sarah. *see, that's me everybody! i'm the Great Cool Person! Remember that!!! =)* And I'm really sorry for this." she said, looking at Ben.
"You better be!" Daniel was still really pissed off. Ben glared at him.
"Relax, Johnsy." Ben turned to Sarah. "Why did you do this if you knew you couldn't help us out?" he asked calmly. Sarah stood up and started explaining.
"You see, I am one of your biggest fans. I totally think you guys kick ass. See, I'm even wearing my tour shirt I got from RockStock. I practically died in the pits. They were horrible. But it was all for you guys. Your music, your personalities, everything. I've liked you since the beginning and you...k, I'm starting to sound dumb. I'll shut up." she sat down.

They all looked at each other then at her. When Sarah saw that they were all staring at her, she felt she should speak.

"I guess I made all those promises because I just wanted you guys to like me. All of you. You all seem like the best people in the world." Sarah turned to all of them. They all meant something to each of her and she was planning to tell each of them exactly what.

"Mike, you keep me aware. You are my silverchair informant. I know all that I know thanks to all of your help from the internet." Mike smiled.

"Watson, you bring the greatest band to me. If you and O'Donnell hadn't decided to keep up with silverchair, where would I be? Keep putting up with the 'chair."
"Thank You." John said.

"Page, you are one of the nicest and most rockin' people I've ever met. I had the pleasure of meeting you at RockStock and you were nice enough to sign something for me and even put up with my mean comments on the color of your tour bus." Page blushed. Sarah then turned to Daniel, Chris and Ben.

"What can I say about you three? You are the coolest. I would love for you all to stay here in the City of Freaks with me. Chris, you are such an inspiration. I want to learn to play bass and seeing you up there on stage or hearing the heavy bass lines make me wish I was as good as you." Chris smiled.

"Daniel, you are such a brilliant lyricist. I find myself relating to almost every lyric you write. I know they may even have no real meaning, but they do to me, as well as many other loyal chairheads." Daniel nodded his head.

"Ben. You are amazing. The way you beat the crap out of your drums is phenomenal. You also seem like one of the greatest people you could have for a friend. I'll read an interview, or hear about something you've done and I'll laugh and think, 'Yeah, that sounds like something I would do.' I would love for you to be my friend."

"And the music? Well, I could talk for hours about it. But I won't because I'm sure you all hate every moment you have to spend with me after what I've done. So if you want, you can leave." Sarah walked over to the corner and sat down. After a minute when none of the people left, she stood up.

"Well?" she posed the inevitable question.
"It looks like there's nothing you can do for any of us, so where can we stay the night?" John asked. Sarah looked surprised.
"I never said I couldn't help you." she said. They all looked confused.
"Well, I can't personally. But I can try to get help for you. I'll findaway. Go sit down for a few minutes and I'll see what I can do." Sarah headed over to the phone and they all sat on the phone.

"You know, I kind of feel bad for yelling at her." Chris finally said.
"Yeah, I mean, she really likes us all. And she may even come through on our things." Mike added.
"What can we do to make it up to her though?" Page said. The six of them, plus Sweep, who Daniel was petting, sat and thought.

About five minutes later, Sarah appeared with a huge grin on her face.
"Help is here. Your wishes have been granted. But we must make a few housecalls. Let's go." Sarah walked out the door and they all followed.

The group first came to a small shop. When they walked in the door, a rainbow appeared.
"Welcome. I am Rainy O'Hampton. I run the Rainbow Paint Store. Sarah said someone needed a good looking tour bus?" Page came forward.
"Yes, I did." Rainy smiled.
"Well, we'll go look at the rainbow. Any color you want is here. Pick one and we'll even paint it for you." Page smiled.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye. I'm off to get my bus. Thanks a bunch Sarah."
"Anytime. It was great seeing you again." she said.
"You guys were all great traveling partners. Good luck to all of you." he said to the rest of them. They all nodded.
"As for the bus, do you have maroon?" Rainy nodded and they were gone.
"One satisfied customer, five more to go." Sarah said, leaving the store.

They walked for another minute until there was a huge crowd of people who were all listening to an amazing band.
"Wow, they really kick ass! Who are they?" Ben said.
"Local Anesthetic. They're a really popular Oz band. I'm friends with the lead singer, Justin Hart. Let's go visit them." Sarah led them backstage. There stood three teenagers. Sarah introduced them.

"This is Justin, Leyla and Max, otherwise known as Local Anesthetic. Local, meet silverchair, Mike and John."
"Hey, I love you guys. I love Frogstomp and Freak Show. We always cover at least one song by you guys daily." Justin said.
"Thanks. The crowd seems to really like you guys." Daniel said.
"Oh, they do. Local Anesthetic is THE band of Oz." Sarah said.
"Who is the lucky label?" John asked, smiling. He had a feeling as to where this conversation might be going.
"Oh, we're not signed. But we're really looking for a label. No one seems to want to sign us." Layla said.
"Are you kidding me??" John was shocked.
"I'll sign you." he said.
"Hey, cool! So we're on the same label as you three?" Justin asked Ben. He nodded.
"Cool. We're there." Max said.
"Thanks again, Sarah. And I'll see the rest of you around later." John said as he started walking off with Local Anesthetic, his new project.
"So all we have left is Mike and us." Chris commented. Sarah nodded.

"This way. I think we need to visit one of my friends Heidi." Sarah summoned for a taxi cab and they drove over to a small cottage. Sarah got out and knocked on the door.
"Hold on, I'll be right there." a girl's voice called from inside. The door opened and it was dark. Suddenly the lights turned on and hundreds of people yelled, "Surprise!!" Mike looked around the room and saw numerous people. All of them seemed familiar.

. "I know you all from somewhere. Why?" Mike couldn't quite place it. then he realized who these people were. They were all the old FMLers, reborn once again.
"Hey Mike, miss us?" a girl named Ressie asked. He nodded.
"You wouldn't believe how much I've missed you all." Mike beamed. He turned to Sarah.
"How can I thank you?" Mike asked. She shook her head.
"No, I'm the one that should thank you. And I do, from the bottom of my heart. Just remember to keep my email filled with the FML." Sarah hugged Mike and turned to Heidi. "As for you three, as much as I don't want you to leave, I know you want to go home." Sarah said, smiling.
"Yeah, you're cool. I'm sorry for everything I said to you today." Daniel said. Chris and Ben nodded.
"Hey, that's cool. Now, as for you to get home, you have to do one last thing." they nodded.
"If I ask you nicely, will you play The Closing before you go?" she asked. They smiled.
"Sure." Daniel put on his PRS and suddenly drums and a bass appeared. And they played The Closing. As they played, suddenly things got hazy and Sarah's image disappeared.

"Welcome To the Closing." Daniel sang slowly. He stopped playing.
"Ben? Ben?" Daniel asked. Ben rubbed his head. "What?" Daniel and Chris walked over to the drumset.
"You sort of spaced out. We lost you there during the song." Chris said.
"What? Where are we?" Ben got up and looked around. He saw Led Zeppelin posters on the walls, his drumset in front of him, Sweep lying down on the floor. Everything was familiar.

"We are in your loft. Why, where did you thing we were? Oz?" Daniel said.
"Actually, yeah. Weren't we just playing The Closing for Sarah?" he was deeply confused.
"Sarah Lawson, my next door neighbor? Why would we be playing for her?" Daniel asked.
"No, Sarah. The Great Cool One." Ben said.
"Why do I know what he's talking about?" Chris said. Ben and Daniel looked at Chris.
"Yeah, actually, that sounds familiar. It's kind of like a dream I had. We were in theis place. The City Of.." Daniel started.
"Freaks." Ben and Chris finished for him. They were silent for a few seconds.

"No, it couldn't have." Ben said.
"But it seemed so real." Chris said. They shook their heads and decided to call it a night.
Ben, Daniel and Chris never said anything about that one day where they all shared the same 'dream' about this place called Oz. They went on with their lives as they always had. ***THERE'S MORE!!!*** Move on over here

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Email: chairgirl1@aol.com