FOO continued

A Month Later

Chris and Daniel knocked on the door to the Gillies household. Kristy answered the door.
"Hi, he's in his room." they nodded and went upstairs. They opened the door to see Ben playing Sony Playstation.
"Hi, what are you doing here?" Ben turned off the game to look at his friends. Both looked somewhat confused.
"Look at what we got in the mail today." Chris said. They both pulled out postcards. Ben read the one Chris held first.

*Dear Chris, How are things in Australia? Writing any new music? You know, your adoring fans can't wait until the next album comes out. But don't feel rushed. We now have plenty to talk about on the FML. Ever since that one day, I have never had a bad FML. I have to thank Sarah deeply for all her help. One day we should all go back to the City Of Freaks and visit her. Or make her come to a Summer Freak Show Tour Date. Perhaps the one at the Workman's Club in Newcastle. I'm going to try to come. Have a freaky day and the FML is the best. Mike*

"Where..." Ben started.
"I just got this postcard. But read Daniel's. It gets better." Chris said. Daniel handed Ben his postcard.

*Daniel, Hi from the roads of the lovely USA. You should really come back to the US and tour with us. After that one day, I really enjoyed you three. Tell Ben and Chris I say so. Life is so much better on the road now that our tour bus is a respectable color. Rainy was a dear and she helped us pick not only a color, but instead she got us an entirely new bus! It's kind of like the Llama of a Different Color, except it's a tour bus. Today we decided to make it silver, in your honor. Well, we have to go set up now. Just thought I'd send you a card saying hi. Rock hard, Page*

"Page wrote you??" Ben asked. Daniel nodded. "Hmm, wonder why we didn't hear from John. You think we would have." They all sat there, confused by all that happened. They needed some sort of stress reliever. Of course they turned on the radio.

"Hey this is Triple J, where we have a new song for you Aussies. This band has just been signed to murmur, and according to their manager, John Watson, who also manages silverchair, he says they have a lot of potential. but he says that silverchair is still number one in his heart. Here's Local Anestetic with Punk Song #1 on Triple J." the announcer said, followed by a familiar tune.
"Hey, isn't that the songs they played at the concert we saw?" Chris asked.
"But we didn't see one! This never happened!" Daniel was still in denial.
"It had to. What is your explanation, wild coincidences?" Ben said.
"Ben! You have a postcard!" Mrs. Gillies yelled from the hall. Ben jumped up to get it.
"Who could it be from?" Chris asked. "We heard from everyone else, unless Sweep learned to write letters." Daniel just shrugged his shoulders.
"You'll never guess who wrote this one." Ben said, walking in reading the postcard. He stopped to read it out loud.

*Ben, I'm sure you're surprised to be reading this postcard from me. You as well as Daniel and Chris are most likely unsure that this whole thing ever happened. It did. You did visit Oz and the City of Freaks. But you will never visit it again, or at least not by your own will. I am the one that brought you here. How, I can not tell you. You will not understand. But why is another story. You three are the most imporrtant thing to me, as well as many other people in this world. People in Oz were unaware of your power. But now they know. They needed your music, your humor and your wonderful selves. Now they have had the 'silverchair experience' and they are changed people. Changed for the better, that is. Thank You so much for everyting you have done and will do. Live a good life and one day you may find yourself back in Oz. Love, Sarah, The Great Cool One PS~ I'm coming to the Workman's Club show in Newcastle. So look for me.*

Ben, Daniel and Chris all looked at each other and smiled, finally satisfied that this day truly did happen.

Wasn't that wonderful?? *sigh* I feel so much better having that totally done! Well, now that I've done all that work, please pay me back n comment you lil butts off in the guestbook!!!!!!!

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