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My FAQ's

Hi! This page is my facts, so here it goes......My name is Teresa Clare McCarthy. I was born September 5, 1979 at 7:48 in the morning.

My physical features are pale skin, blond hair, blue eyes, about 5'6, and look about 160lbs. My hair changes color from season to the summer it is very blond and in the winter it gets red in it. My eyes also change colors with my moods. If I am pissed off, they will turn grey. If I am happy, they are very blue. If I am just here, they are grey-blue. I am heterosexual and date only men. Means the same thing...yeah I know...just making sure you know.

My hometown is near Chicago, IL in a town called Newark. I am currently attending college just outside of Springfield at a school called MacMurray College. The school is very small and kind of boring. But you gotta love the people there.

Well if you would like to know more, e-mail me.(

My personality is somewhat odd. I have a perverted sense of humor, once you get to know me. I can be very funny and if my mouth is open and I am talking I am probably not serious.

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