Link Us Up = Fight the World
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Link Us Up = Fight the World

Do this then go back to Headquarters

If you are a member of the Gillies Fighters and have a webpage of your own, pretty please link us up to it. As you see up top, linking = fighting. More people will see your page, say, "Hey, that's a freakin' cool pic!", click it and see that Ben Gillies is really the best. Yeah! So, this is the exact html code to put on your page:

Ben Gillies is the Man! Come join the Gillies Fighters!
K, this pre thing isn't working now and I don't have the patience to do it.
the pic addy is:
 So come back later.

Place that on and I'll be happy to link you on to my other web page, Stomping Ground or whatever else you want. Remember, word of mouth is great. Pix are even better....
