Domestic Communicator of Ben and Daniel
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Domestic Communicator of Ben and Daniel

Heather is a lovely, sweet, kind female. From Heather;) [it's Sarah =) i hope you all got that joke. Really.] Has weird mental images and strange thoughts concerning silverchair, Ben Gillies, golden speedos, and electronic toothbrushes(?!). Don't ask, you probably don't wanna hear about it! Firmly believes Ben & Daniel should settle down in suburbia, have 3 kids, eat lots of steak, and watch professional wrestling on the telly. Aside from striving for the world record of craziest guest book signings for friends who have homepages, is the first member of a small but growing cult dedicated to the worship of Sarah. I mean really, who cares 'bout Ben? Sarah's *so* much cooler! [Aren't I though??;)] Hehe...that was a joke by the way.[What is she talking about??? No it's not a joke!!!!] Umm, E.T. is God, right along with ALF, (and the Spice Girls..j/k:), of course! Hmm, I'm just not too interesting, I 'spose...oh! One more neat-o thing about me--I have gotten my little hands on a sweater just like Danny's argyle one. Hey..I'm pretty durn proud of it! elly, Dawn, Angel, and of course Sarah are the most wonderful people on the 'net! Yeah, I'm gonna hush now.

Heather is one of the kewlest people you can ever meet on the 'net ...and she likes silverchair!!!!!! What a plus! Check out her ever too cool page, Cold Sore Cream. But, let me warn you, it's a bit sick and twisted. But we love Heather that way... ;)

Ben is calling!!!!
