Supreme Commander of The Gillies Fighters
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Supreme Commander of The Gillies Fighters

So, you want to know about the creative mastermind that started this wonderful page?? Of course you do. I'm your leader, Sarah, Supreme Commander of The Gillies Fighters.

Physicially, I live in the suburbs of Chicago in this wonderful town called Skokie. But mentally, I live in Australia. I mean, how lucky can you get it? They are never below, what, 4o degrees. Half the year is frickin' cold here. You Aussies never get snow whereas I dont' really know grass as green, but instead white. You have oceans, I have cold and polluted Lake Michigan. But most importantly, you have silverchair. I get, what, Smashing Pumpkins (which, btw, is a great consolidation, but..). You get to enjoy the splendor of silverchair. More than one person in your whole school likes the 'chair. Sadly, I am known as The silverchair Fan in my high school. The, as in singular. I should live in Australia. Really..... but this doesn't really have to do with me, does it?

I love silverchair. That's one thing that really disguished me. Like I said before, I am The silverchair Fan. I've liked the 'chair since Tomorrow ws first playing on radio airwaves as "this great new band from Australia". I got "Frogstomp" in August 1995 and I'm still a dedicated fan ever since. Still on silverchair, let's tie Ben in. I think Ben is the absolutely coolest member of silverchair. I mean, wouldnt' you love to know a guy like Ben. I owuld love to have Ben as my best friend. We seem sooo much alike. We both goof-off, are absolutely crazy about the opposite sex, like making really loud noise, partying, things like that. I think that if I were ever to have that one wish of if I had to pick one person to meet, I'd definitely pick Ben. In my eyes, the boy doesn't get enough credit. Yeah, sure, he's highly respected and he's even more popular than Chris (face it, Chris fans.). But, because of some dumb "rule", generally the singer gets all the credit. Look at Bush (great comparison, eh?). People don't see Bush, they see Gavin. So I decided to start this page for that one reason. Well, and the fact that he has to be the best drummer (well, we can't discredit his idol, Mr. Bonham, can we?). I had the joy of seeing my last silverchair concert from the side of the stage, and I can honestly say I enjoyed it more than my other one where all I could see was Daniel. Ben is so amazing live. He gets so into his performance that he seems so out of contact with everyone else. Him and the music are one. Ben becomes part of the drums during live shows. I could only wish to be as good at whatever I choose to do as he is with his drumming. Gee, you still don't know much about me yet, do you??

K, other bands I like besides silverchair: Smashing Pumpkins, Soul Courghing, Fiona Apple, Tori Amos, Limp Bizkit, Helmet, Korn, Prodigy, The Chemical Brothers, Filter (boo, they borke up), and a hell of a lot more. But my music is pretty much summed up into two simpe parts: silverchair and not silverchair. What else.. I run track, I play volleyball, I blade, I like ot swin, fun, right? In case you haven't noties, I suck at talking about me. So I'll stop. go learn about everyone else.

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