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silverzeppelin the Drum Maintainer

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My name's sara, silverzepplin, or scangel. You pronouce it scaingel. Pick one and e-mail me I am 13 years old. I live in Ohio. Music and the internet is my life. I'm alternative. I basically list to rock, ska, punk, and aussie. I love other bands such as silverchair, KoRn, led zepplin, offspring, you am i, bad religion, automatic, handsome, Local H, K's choice, limp bizkits, deep purple, ozzie, overflow, deftones, tool, deftones, everclear, beastie boys, radish, the visitors, quicksand, sausage, Helmet, soundgarden, super deluxe, nirvana. I also think Ben gets the much needed attention he deserves. I'm totally obbessed with Australia way before I hear silverchair. I defintly heard them before I seen them. I started listing to silverchair in about 5th grade but I had no idea who they were until I was in 7th grade. I first heard suicidal dream and was hooked from them on! I listen to sc everyday. Everyone I MEAN EVERYONE at my school knows sc my fave band. Even my art teacher(i made a sproket keychain and i draw them). Every project we do I find some way to put silverchair in it. My only problem is the judgemental (big word!:) people at my school. Only a few people I know like sc. The rest say they suck and I say @#$% or I beat the crap out of them. I read alot. Mostly poetry. I also write poetry. I love shakespear. I love animals. I don't eat meat. I haven't for three or four months. As of 1/10/98. I don't wear fur or leather. I work on my page all day long Moshing with Freaks Thats pretty much me.
