
Recording went great this weekend! We did not get many vocals done, but all of the music and overdubbs has been laid out. This will be the best HAM album ever!! I promise. Click here to see the track listings. Still, Ham is still looking for a new bassist. Marsha has decided to leave the band to pursue a music career of her own (Tina Sparkle). There is no exact date when she is leaving but she is ready to go I'm afraid. So, we are taking submissions for audtions. We are looking for a bassist who can sing harmony and play and the same time. Also you should have your own equipment and transporatation. We would prefer a female but it's not necessary. Also someone over 18 would be peachy as well. If we find a bassist soon enough, Marsha is willing to teach the newbie everything they need to know. So E-mail us at and tell us why we should pick you to play bass in HAM!!