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Chapter 4

Quinn slipped a tanktop over her head and yanked on her favorite pair of jeans, tripping around her room while flailing to get her legs into them in all her nervousness. Taylor Hanson. Taylor goddamn Hanson. Going out with her. Maybe he needed to get his eyes checked.

She smeared some gloss onto her lips, and smiled at her reflection in the mirror. She brushed her hair, finally deciding to leave it down. Ready at last, she grabbed her purse and ran downstairs to wait for Tay to pick her up.

When he pulled up in front of her house, she raced outside, not wanting to risk Taylor coming in and waking up her mom, who was very tired from working all day.

Taylor, being the gentleman that he is, got out of the car and opened the door for her. She smiled sweetly, slightly taken aback by this unexpected gesture. Before starting the car, Taylor looked over at her, his eyes drawn to her shiny mouth.

Quinn bit lower lip and fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. Why was he looking at her like that?

"I like your lip gloss," he said after a while.

"Oh..." Quinn looked up at him quickly and then down again, as though fascinated by the glove compartment. "Thanks."

Taylor half-smiled her her cute display of embarrassment. "What flavor is it?"

She met his eye and knew at once what he planned this conversation to lead up to. She licked her lips (Taylor shivered excitedly), "grape, I think."

"Not sure?"

"Pretty sure."

"Maybe I should check."

Quinn looked anywhere but at Taylor. "Maybe you should," she said quietly.

Taylor leaned over, and for a brief moment before it happened, Quinn imagined what it it would feel like to kiss him, to actually experience what she had been dreaming about all last night, lying awake in her bed, unable to comprehend the fact that she might actually be kissed the next day. She'd never really been kissed before. Except by Cory Nelson freshman year after homecoming, but that didn't really count because he had missed and ended up Frenching her nose. Kissing Taylor would be entirely different. To have the most succulent part of his beautiful face resting on hers, moving against her own mouth, tasting her and caressing her lips with his...that would be the ultimate. Well, for today at least. But she shouldn't even be thinking about things like that yet.

At last, it happened. He gently laid his lips on hers. God, Taylor thought, her lips were so soft. He didn't think he'd ever felt lips that soft. They fit perfectly snug with his, his lower lip nestled between the two of hers, his upper lip just above her own. He slowly began to move his mouth against Quinn's, trying to get her to respond. He could tell she was mildly new at this. When she finally took the hint, she tilted her head a bit to the side and parted her lips slightly, leaving just enough room to allow the entrance of his tongue. Taylor was careful not to shove in too quickly, he didn't want her to gag or anything. Instead, he glided slowly into her mouth, lightly flicking the edge of her tongue with his, then retreating.

When they pulled away a few inches from eachother, Taylor looked into her eyes and was surprised to find how brilliantly blue they were. He hadn't noticed it before, which was strange, because he was usually so perceptive of things like that. He continued his amazed stare into her eyes. They were lighter than his own...extremely clear, with no flecks or lines leading to the pupils, like most people. Two of the most perfect crystals shining within her face.

Quinn flushed deeply. She felt like he could read her mind, the way he was staring into her eyes. His gaze was so penetrating, his eyes so beautiful and mysterious, darting into her body, sending chills down her spine that she had never felt before. She could feel his hot breathe on her face. It smelled like orange Tic Tacs.

Taylor cupped her chin in his hand, drawing her face closer to his. "I still have to taste the flavor," he whispered, before lightly grazing his tongue across her lips.

Quinn thought she'd die right then and there.

When Taylor decided that he had sufficiently licked her lips to properly determine their flavor, he smiled and fell back against his seat, smacking his lips emphatically.

"The verdict?" She gave him a wry smile, despite the anxiety she was still feeling. What if she hadn't done it right? What if kissing was done in an entirely different fashion and he was disgusted by her inexperience?

But the look on Taylor's face was definitely not one of disgust. "You were's grape."

Quinn threw her hands up in desperation. "I told you it was grape. We could have avoided this whole incidence if you had just believed me..."

Taylor gave her a hurt look. "Avoided it? You wish you hadn't kissed me?"

Quinn immediately regretted what she had said. She shook her head vigorously. "No no no...that came out wrong."

"So you liked kissing me?"

The cute pout he had formed his lips into made her want to grab his collar and kiss him again. But she restrained herself. "Yeah," she blushed for the millionth time, "yeah, I liked it. Really liked it."

"I've got a confession to make, Quinn."

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"I really liked kissing you too." Taylor grinned to distract her attention from his reddened ears.

"It was my first kiss," she mumbled, then wished she could take back the words as soon as she said them. She really needed to learn how to control the things that fly out of her mouth.

Taylor didn't bother hiding the surprised look on his face. "It was?"

She began her eye-averting tricks again. "Yeah."

Frankly, he was flattered. "I haven't been many first kisses before, and certainly not to anyone as beautiful as you," Taylor told her in a sugary voice.

"Taylor!" Quinn reached over and slapped his chest playfully. She gasped quietly when she felt how firm his pecs were. A mental image of herself lying nude against that same heaving chest flashed across her mind. She glanced at Taylor nervously, as if he might suspect what she had been thinking.

He just smiled sheepishly at her and started the engine. Quinn realized that they hadn't even left the curb in front of her house yet. Wow. She grew warm, remembering that he had actually *kissed* her only a few moments ago.

"You know what?" Taylor asked, after they had been on the road for a few minutes.

"No, what?"

He grinned. "Grape lip gloss is my new favoritest thing."

"Favoritest? Cute word."

"For a cute person."

"Don't flatter yourself, Tay," she joked.

He huffed, faking an insulted expression.

It was quiet for a short while, then Quinn spoke up. "I don't usually wear lip gloss," she said thoughtfully.

"Well, since it's favoritest thing, I guess you should make it habit."

"Second favoritest?"

"Yeah, 'cause on second thought, you're my first favoritest."

"Smooth, Taylor," Quinn laughed, although making a mental note to buy another tube of lip gloss.

Taylor looked at her out of the corner of his eye and smiled as he flicked on the turn signal. "Yep, that's me...smooth as a baby's ass."


Zac knocked on Aurora's door. She answered it right away and proceeded to fling herself at Zac, throwing her arms around his neck. "ZAC!"

He laughed and hugged her in return. "Hey, how've you been?"

"Great, now that you're back...finally," Aurora gasped, as Zac squeezed her extra hard.

With their arms around eachother's waists, the pair strode into the livingroom pleasantly, looking around at everyone dancing to the techno that was playing. After shoving their way through the massive crowd that was bunched across the center of the room, they managed to make their way to the overstuffed couch on the other side that was littered with popcorn and beer cans.

Zac stopped suddenly when he spotted a familiar face sitting on the arm of the the couch, talking to his friend Leia.

She looked up with surprise when she saw Zac and Aurora together. "Hey, Zac! What're you doing here?"

"What else? I'm here for Aurora's PARTY!" Zac shouted over the music, casually dropping his arm from its previous position around Aurora's waist.

Aurora looked at Zac and Ruby in confusion. "You two know eachother?"

Zac's gaze darted briefly to Ruby, his eyes warning her not to give anything away. "Yeah, she was on the plane back here with us a while ago."

"Oh, okay...then I guess there's no point in making introductions, is there?" Aurora asked, swiping a pile of trash off the couch, then stepping back, allowing Zac to plop down beside Ruby. "I've gotta go make sure they're not completely trashing the basement, my mom'll kill me if they mess up the new painting she bought." She turned and began to push her way back through the crowd, attempting to clear a path to the stairs.

"So Zac," Ruby began not bothering to beat aroudn the bush, "wanna dance?"

"Hell yea!" Zac grabbed Ruby's wrist and pulled her off her perch on the couch, dragging her to the dance floor that Aurora had set up in the middle of the large livingroom.

As they began to move to the music, Ruby tried to take a stab at a conversation. "Aurora's got a pretty nice house, don't you think? I thought her mom was a nurse and her dad's a bust..."

"Yeah, but I think she inherited a shitload of money from her grandmother," Zac told her, taking a step closer to Ruby.

"Oh, that makes more sense. She might be moving though...before you got here she was telling me how her mom's probably gonna be transferred to Boston next month."

This was news to Zac. "I didn't know that...I'm really gonna miss her, the little bitch," he joked.

"Hey," Ruby laughed, "don't call my friend a bitch!" She attempted to punch Zac lightly on the shoulder. As she did so, he got hold of both her arms and put them around his neck, drawing her closer to him. She smiled and raised her eyebrows suspiciously, but he just grinned and took this opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist.

The heavy beat of the techno blasting in their ears and the crowd swelling around them created an arousing atmosphere, causing the heat between their sweaty bodies to grow. Zac slid his hands lower down her back and laid his hands on top her ass, squeezing lightly, and grinning when she didn't protest as he pulled her against his own body, grinding his hips into hers.

Ruby raised her arms over her head, swiveling her body to move along to the music and Zac's muscular form that was pressed against her front. She felt her nipples stiffen, enjoying the feeling of Zac's growing hardness that beat against her abdomen each time he moved.

Zac threw his head back and bit his lip, afraid that he was going to come right in front of all those people. His head was whirling in unexplainable desire. The way she was moving against him...the way her moans echoed in his mind...he could feel her nipples through the sweaty T-shirt that he wore, and it was all he could do not to rip off his pants and come when she reached down and began to rub her hand up and down the huge bulge that strained against his jeans. He still had one hand on her ass and the other on her waist, relishing in the feeling that exploded throughout his entire body when he pulled her rigorously to him, sharply grinding his hips against her, making sure that she moved just the right way by guiding her body motions with his hands each time the beat swung down.

He leaned his head near the crook of her neck, his eyes widening when a bead of sweat fell from a strand of his own damp hair and rolled down her neck, disappearing into the hollow between her breasts. As she danced to the music, her tube top sagged exceedingly lower, until it stopped right before the pink tips of her breasts became visible. He placed his knee slightly between her legs, and she rubbed her crotch furiously against him, breathing Zac's name into his ear in a tone that was barely audible; more of an involuntary gasp than a word.

As she threw her entire body against his leg, keeping her arms wrapped completely around his neck, leaving the evident state of excitement between his legs temporarily unattended, Zac relented to savoring the movements of her lower torso against his throbbing manhood, cursing himself for actually forgetting while had been on tour, what it felt like to have a girl move her body so roughly against him. Her motions became more vigorous and savage, completely oblivious to the crowd surrounding them, that was more or less doing the same thing. He moaned loudly, though it wasn't heard over the sustaining music, his palms slipping across the smooth, tight leather of her pants that clung so invitingly to her legs.

Zac unzipped his fly, freeing the pent up heat and tension that was built up in the erection that sprang forth immediately upon its release. Ruby's sonorous moans in his ear led his breathing to increase to the point where he was gasping for air in between short, straggled breaths. The techno beat matched the rhthym of their harsh pelvic thrusts, and Zac gave way to the passion, the stealthy music, and the incredible urges that he was feeling. His body gave one final lurch and he made no effort to refute the uncontrollable lapses of his sex.

"Oh...oh god..." His cum poured onto Ruby's front, smearing across the gap between the bottom of her tube top and the top of her pants. His motions slowed and then stopped completely as he paused to wipe the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. It was then that he realized that Ruby hadn't orgasmed.

"You didn't...did you..."

Ruby shook her head. "No...but almost...god Zac that was almost as good as sex."

"Yeah, it was...I'll owe you one..." he said apologetically. He felt bad. He could have taken it upon himself to go somewhere where she could at least get something out of the situation. Zac's breathing rate had begun to return to normal, and he suddenly remembered Aurora. His turned his head wildly from side to side, and was relieved to find that she was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't exactly in a state where he could carefully explain their actions.

"We'll have to do that again sometime," Ruby smiled coyly, leaning up to kiss Zac briefly on the lips.

"Yeah," Zac said, "but next time I'll make you--"

"COME here!" A voice sounded across the room. "Taylor Hanson's here!"

"Dammit," Zac muttered, taking Ruby's hand and walking towards the door, "I told him not to come!"

"Hey man," Taylor greeted his brother when he saw the couple approaching. He eyed Ruby. "And who's this?" He put on a charming smile.

"This is've met her already." Zac said gruffly, slightly worried that Taylor would make a move on her. But he predicted that he wouldn't, since Tay seemed to be occupied at the moment by a cute girl on his arm. "And this is..."

"Quinn," the girl finished.

"Hey." Zac gave her a friendly smile and then nudged Ruby to walk into the kitchen. "See you guys later," he said with a small wave.

"So Quinn, do you want to dance?" Taylor asked, offering her his hand.

She accepted it and pulled him towards the dance floor. "Ooooh...techno...this is awesome grinding music!"


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The Cream Filling
All The Way To Albertane