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Chapter 5

Dear Alexandra,

I hope you're alright. God knows I'm not. I met this guy last night at a club. I'm still really depressed about Ike, and so when this guy offered to buy me a drink, I accepted. I don't remember much...just going with him out to his car because he said he'd give me a ride home, then he said he'd walk me into my house...make sure I got to bed alright...and well, you can guess what happened next. I was really groggy, but I know I told him to get the hell off me, but he wouldn't. I think he put something in my drink.

Sorry to dump this all on you like this, I just have no one to talk to, and you're the one true friend I've known. Please don't show Ike this letter or tell him that I was raped, I don't want to worry him. Poor guy's got enough on his mind.

I never thought I could feel this dirty. It's like I can never get clean, no matter how many showers I take or how hard I scrub. I remembered how you wrote a poem after you were raped. I tried to calm myself by putting my pain into writing like you did. Hell, it worked...for now at least.

Take care of yourself, I miss you like crazy.


It sorta burns
Like the fire in your eyes
Knowing you'd be quick to
Stifle any cries.
The inside of your eyelids
Is where you laid your gaze
Afraid to see my eyes
And their coat of teary glaze.
Expect no more than dirty grunts
Between your thrusting hips
No gentle kisses flutter
Just the smothering of lips.
It's a quick one this time,
He stands, pulls up his pants
Zips his fly, smooths back his hair
Leaves the room without a glance.*


Ike sat at the kitchen table wearing nothing but boxers and a wifebeater. He stared blankly at the wall in front of him as he meticulously shoved Cheerios into his mouth, using his thumb and index finger as forceps to pick each one up and chuck it into his mouth, then progressed to crush it between his molars with one quick crunch of the jaw.

So it wasn't surprising when a knock on the door startled him to accidentally knock the whole open box onto the floor. Recovering, he left the mess to tend to later and walked to the door, peeking out quickly to see who it was. A girl about his age stood on the doorstep, shifting nervously from foot to foot. She had big brown eyes with long eyelashes to match, and straight, light brown hair with blonde highlights. She may be a serial killer for all I know, Ike thought. His mother had told him not to open the door to strange people...they could be psycho fans. Of course, Ike being the guy he is, he opened the door for the hot chick, serial killer or not.

"Hi," he said in a low voice, leaning his elbow up against the doorpost and crossing his ankles.

She raised an eyebrow at his obvious attempt at being seductive. "Down boy," she said half-laughing. "I'm Camille." Ike gave her a quizzical look. "The baby-sitter," she added hastily, "and I sincerely hope that you are not Mackie."

Ike immediately stood straight and flushed. "No...I'm Ike. I don't need a baby-sitter, in case you're wondering."

"Good...because I don't think they make baby diapers that big, and I really don't feel like running out to the store to buy a box of Depends right now," she told him, not bothering to hide the sarcasm in her voice.

Ike didn't laugh. He looked at her, furrowing his eyebrows. "My mom didn't say she called a baby-sitter."

Camille folded her arms across her chest, and for a brief moment, Ike wished she wouldn't, because he had noticed that she had very nice breasts. Then he remembered that this girl had just suggested that he was in need of diapers, and he cursed his dirty male mind.

"You can go call your mom and ask her," she dared him, "she called me this morning and asked me to baby-sit Mackie while she took the other three girls out. She said her other sons would be out at some party all night." She looked him up and down. Ike would have paid a pretty penny for some decent clothes at that moment. "I guess you're not much of a party animal, huh?"

"Not tonight," Ike said distantly, beginning to wish she would just go away. She was making him feel even more miserable than he had been five minutes ago, methodically consuming dry cereal while his brothers were out partying.

Ike still hadn't moved from his position as a human doorway block. Camille exerted a loud exasperated huff and swept past him into the house. "Exactly what do you think you're doing?" Ike boomed, slamming the door and turning around.

Camille stood at the bottom of the staircase that led to the bedrooms upstairs. She took off her jean jacket and slung it over the back of the chair standing a few feet away. "I really need the cash from baby-sitting tonight...I owe my parents a ton of money for car insurance, and this will finally pay it off." Then adding as an afterthought, "but I don't suppose you would understand something like that."

"I guess," Ike muttered. He hadn't had money problems for a long time.

"So if you'll just get dressed and scuttle off to wherever you need to be," Camille said airily, breaking the silence between them, "I can go find Mackie and we can start watching the Pokemon video I brought."

"I don't need to be anywhere at the moment," Ike divulged.

"Sure you do."

"Nope, sorry. I'll stay right here..."

"Just GO somewhere so I can get paid!" Camille screamed, and Ike chuckled at her desperation to get rid of him. "Go attack Napster for all I care...just GO!"

Amused, Ike smiled. "Maybe I don't feel like going anywhere. I'll just stay down here. You'll still get paid."

Camille hesitated, not sure whether to go home or just ignore Ike and stay. "Fine," she decided, "where's Mackie?"

"Upstairs in his room. Know where that is?"

She turned around from her place halfway up the staircase. "No," she said, narrowing her eyes, "but I'm sure I'll find it, thank you." She tossed Ike an annoyed expression over her shoulder.

"Just trying to be helpful." He watched her disappear upstairs, then flopped back onto the couch to watch some old Leave It To Beaver re-runs. The night ahead of him was beginning to look very promising.


Zac walked into the kitchen, his eyes meeting those of girls he didn't know. They were eyeing him up and down and whispering to eachother. He caught a few broken words as he made his way to the refridgerator for something to drink.

"Yeah--" "Zac--" "yeah the guy from Hanson..." "ohhh...MMMBop, right?"

He half-liked half-hated that. It always happened at these kind of parties. Most of his friends were there, and they knew him and treated him like everyone else. Even people he wasn't really friends with, but was at least familiar with didn't pay any special attention to him. He liked the feeling of being recognized when he went to these places; he was somebody for the girls to whisper frantically about in their little bunches. But the quick glances at him and self-conscious fixing of hair that took place whenever he was around, eventually began to annoy him a bit, though he still liked to be noticed and to receive lusty stares from hot girls.

Ruby trailed in behind him, sipping a papercup of beer. Zac sighed and shook his head disappointedly at Ruby, taking the beer from her. He drained its contents into the sink, and then tossed it in the garbage.

Ruby put her hands on her hips and scowled. "What the hell'd ya do that for?" She fumed.

"I think I'd like you better if you didn't puke all over me when I try to kiss you," Zac reiterated. He didn't feel much like getting drunk tonight, so he grabbed two cans of Dr. Pepper, handing one to Ruby.

She looked longingly at the beer keg in the other room, but consented to popping the can open and taking a swig. Wiping her mouth off, she asked, "So what do you want to do, since you don't want to get drunk?"

Zac leaned in close to whisper softly into her ear, "I was thinking, perhaps something more fun than drinking."

"More fun than drinking?" Ruby smirked, though she knew perfectly well what he was hinting, "impossible!"

"Believe me, with Zac Hanson, it's possible." He grinned, scooping her up off the counter, choosing to ignore the aghast squeals from the girls that had been checking him out. Ruby laughed and fake-struggled to release herself from his grasp, then finally surrendered to him.

"God Zac, you're strong!" He was. The large biceps he sported in photos were nothing compared to the real thing. "Is it from drumming?"

"Mostly...but I like to think that I'm naturally buff," he said pompously.

"I'm not one to argue," Ruby complied, though she had to stifle the small giggle that was rising in her throat. "But I think your head might be a bit damaged from all that headbanging you've been doing."

"My head doesn't really hurt...I've tried to master the art of headbanging, so the blood no longer rushes to my head and causes me to have headaches," Zac told her.

"That's great, I'm glad all these concerts haven't caused you to end up in a mental ward," Ruby countered, "although, there's still time..."

"Yeah yeah," Zac said, setting her onto the bed. He had carried her all the way upstairs and into an empty bedroom.

" this where the the fun's gonna take place?" Ruby smiled at him from her position on the bed.

Zac sat down next to her, returning her smile with a soft kiss. Their faces just inches apart, Ruby looked down at his lips fondly. "You've got perfect lips, you know," she told him matter-of-factly.

"Nah...that's Tay," Zac imparted.

"No," Ruby said, lifting her hand and gently tracing his lips with her fingertips. "It's you. Taylor's got nice lips..very..kissable, I guess...but they're too smooshy."

"And mine aren't?"

"Not smooshy at all. Really full and soft," Ruby elaborated, "your bottom lip goes straight across, curved perfectly, but your top lip is sort of wavy, and sometimes you just sit there and you don't know that you're doing it, but you're lips are set in this unbelievably sexy pout and I think I'll die if I don't kiss you."

Zac blushed. "You're doing it!" Ruby screeched with delight.

"I am?" This was all news to him. This whole evening had served to be very informative. "Well, I don't want you to die on me here..." He leaned in and kissed her, taking her fully into his mouth, not at all like the few tentative kisses they had shared before. Her tongue wandered past his lips, and a deep moan escaped him at the sensation of her slippery wet tongue stroking his.

She reached under his shirt and swept her hand across his chest, proceeding around to his back and massaging lightly between his shoulder blades. Zac kept his eyes shut and sighed in contentment. His eyes fluttered open when he felt her stop and pull away. "Hey--" he began, but didn't finish his protest when he realized that she was pulling off her shirt.

He smiled sheepishly and leaned forward once more to kiss her, but this time he skipped her lips and began placing breathy kisses down her jawline and behind her ear, pausing once to playfully tug on her earlobe with his teeth, before dragging his tongue down her neck to her collarbone, placing one final kiss in the center.

He loomed down at her breasts, which were rising and falling quickly due to her increased breathing rate. Zac instinctively bent his neck to take one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking at it until he felt it become hard between his lips, taking care to fondle her other breast with his free hand.

Ruby tilted her head back and closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of his tongue lapping across the a peak of her breast, and his palm cupping the other, his fingertips manipulating its tip. "Ohhh...Zac that feels so good," she whimpered.

He began to lean her back onto the bed, settling her head on the pillows, then reached down to unzip her pants. She kicked off her shoes and tugged at her pants, breathing heavily with anticipation as Zac hurriedly pulled off his shirt, jeans, and boxers, tossing them onto the floor to form a pile on top of his shoes.

She enveloped his body with her legs, bent at the knees, Zac's hot body lying in between. She could feel the hardness of his manhood pressing against her thigh. Leaning down to kiss her shoulder and breasts, Zac teased her by running his hands along her inner thighs, yet never touching her where he knew she was dying to be touched.

"Please, Zac," she whined desperately, "please...touch me..."

He let his fingers play along the waistband of her thong for a few antagonizing moments before removing them with a slow pull down her legs.

Ruby didn't think she could take much more of this. "Zac...I NEED you, please, touch me..."

"Where should I touch you?" He asked innocently, unable to mask the smile that played on his lips. He liked hearing her beg.

She took his hand and thrust it between her legs. "Here." She moaned in pleasure when he began to massage her clit with his thumb, but cried out disappointedly when he stopped.

"Hang on baby," he knew that her moans alone would soon incline him to come uncontrollably, and he wanted to come inside her. He positioned himself at her entrance, hovering over her for a brief moment before plunging into the warm folds of her vagina. He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes, supporting his weight with his strong arms on each side of her head as he thrust his hips against her.

Ruby was unable to restrain the screams that welled up inside her throat, voicing her ecstasy freely. She matched his rhythm with her hips, moving her body furiously against his each time his huge cock plummeted in and out of her. She arched her back at her climax, her breasts rising into Zac's face.

"Oh God..." Zac moaned, resting his open lips on her soft breasts as he released his come inside her. "Mmm...ohhh..." he pulled out of her and rolled to her side, draping an arm around her waist and pulled her against him protectively.

She turned her head and looked into his large brown eyes. "God Zac..."

He was still taking deep breathes of air, happily smiling down at her. "See...I knew I'd like you better when you're sober..."


PLEASE read this

* The poem, Bang me bad by me
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All The Way To Albertane