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Chapter 6

Taylor puked into the toilet whatever was left in his stomach. His hair was at that point where it wasn't long enough to be held back but still got in the way when he barfed. He stood up and took the glass of water that Quinn held out for him, tossing his head back to gargle briefly before spitting it back into the sink. He looked into the mirror. A tired, flushed face stared back at him. Various strands of his hair were wet, probably from getting in the way of his vomit flow. He glimpsed Quinn's concerned face behind him.

"You need barrettes, Tay," she told him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"For what?"

"So when you get drunk and have to do this," she motioned to the toilet, "I don't have to smell it on your hair afterwards."

"I'd rather reek than wear barrettes," he snorted, "in the world's mind, that would confirm any and all doubt of homosexual activity on my part."

"Leonardo Dicaprio wears headbands..." Quinn began.

"Yes, and Leonardo Dicaprio is gay," Taylor finished.

"He is NOT."

"He seems gay to me...he's ALWAYS crossing his legs like a woman," Tay pointed out.

Quinn gave him a look.

"Hey, it's COMFORTABLE okay?" Tay said defensively, getting the message. "And anyway, headbands aren't barrettes. Barrettes are too girly," Tay said, wiggling his fingers at her.

"I know you're not gay," she smiled. "You wouldn't have to wear them to parties or anything...I could keep them in my bag and give them to you when you make a break for the bathroom."

He looked at her quizzically, unsure if she was joking or serious. "They could be pink," she continued, "with pink daises."

He grinned, deciding on the latter. "Naked ladies would be even better."

Quinn rolled her eyes. Typical guy. "If you can find them, be my guest. There's probably like, one pair in some dirty shop in Tennessee. Have fun finding them."

This conversation was going nowhere. "'ll just have to grit your teeth and withstand my barfy hair," he said.

"Yeah..." She took a towel off the rack beside the shower and swiped it across his hair. "Yuck...I don't want to get it on me or anything. Just because YOU smell like puke doesn't mean that I have to."

Taylor took a step forward, forcing Quinn to back up until she was leaning on the wall. He pressed himself up against her. "Actually," he whispered thoughtfully, "I think that you should be the pukey one and I should be smelling of roses. Afterall, we've got to consider the media."

"Oh yeah, like the fat old reporters really give a damn about how you smell," Quinn said sarcastically.

"You'd be surprised. Sometimes fans come up to me and sniff me. Man, they do some weird shit."

"So I should be the one to smell like crap so that you can smell like roses and tulips for your fans?"

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying," Taylor countered. His tone was purposely rude, but she could tell he was on the brink of laughter. "What do you care anyway...who're you trying to impress?"

Quinn smiled and poked his chest with her index finger. "You."

"Well I've gotta hand it to you," Tay said, flirting back mercilessly, "you've done a helluva job."

"Really?" Quinn was surprised. She'd wanted Taylor to like her so bad, but she never actually expected it to happen. Things like this didn't happen to girls like her. Rock stars don't take this much of a liking to a girl whose whole life revolves around cutting strawberries and filling eclaires.

He suprised her once again. "Maybe we should hop in the shower so that we both get to be smelling clean..." He winked at her and she blushed, but then dipped out from under his arms, reaching for the doorknob.

"I-- I think we should go, Tay," she said, suddenly extremely nervous, half-hoping that he'd agree, half-hoping that he'd smack her hand off the doorknob and whisk her into the shower with him.

"Why...are you scared of me?" Taylor mused.

"No..." She wasn't. But maybe just a little...intimidated, would be a better word.

"I don't see why you would be, I'm a nice guy," he told her in a raspy voice.

"I know, you're very nice," she lifted a finger to play with the buttons on his shirt.

"Want me to show you how nice I am?" He grinned, a hint of mischief evident in his voice.

Quinn surprised Taylor by leaning closer and whispering into his ear, "show me."

Taylor raised his eyebrows. He hadn't expected her to become so willing so suddenly. But who was he to object?

Quinn took a deep breathe and lifted her shirt over her head. Taylor's gentle gaze drifted downward from her eyes. She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, allowing it to slip off her arms and drop to the ground. She watched Tay's expression closely, searching his eyes for any sign of dislike.

He leaned down to softly kiss her lips, lingering a few moments before pulling away and smiling. She was so cute the way she chewed her lip nervously, no doubt praying that she wouldn't mess up. But he knew she wouldn't. She was so beautiful and natural, everything she did succeeded in turning him on.

She slipped her hands underneath the red shirt he wore over a tight black T-shirt, sliding her hands up his shoulders, causing it to fall off. He helped her out by proceeding to grasp the hem of his shirt and lift it over his head, dropping it beside them. Her eyes roamed over his chest, then lowered to his abs, at which point she reached out her hands to trace over the ripples in his stomach. After hesitating for a brief moment, she unbuckled the black leather belt around his waist, and then unzipped his fly, grazing the bulge in his underpants with her fingertips.

Taylor felt his breathe catch in his throat when she touched him. She linked her fingers in the beltloops of his pants before dragging them down to the floor so he could step out of them. They looked at eachother for a few uncomfortable moments before Taylor silently volunteered to remove his underwear himself by yanking them off.

"Tighty whities?" She mused.

"Yeah, Hanes. You got a problem with that?"

"No, not at all," she laughed. "I'm just surprised that you're a Hanes her way."

"Hey, they're for MEN, okay?" Taylor said sharply with a twinkle in his eye, "and for your information, Zac wears them too."

"Okay, I'll shut up...I know I don't want to mess with Zac." Quinn looked down and gasped. "Oh my gosh..."

"What?" Tay looked down, smiled proudly, then looked up again. "Never seen a....well, before?"

"Can't say that I have," she continued staring at it with amazement.

"I shall call him Mini-Me," Taylor laughed, taking her hand and placing it on his erection. He backed up a little against the sink to brace himself, closing his eyes and shivering with anticipation.

But instead of continuing with the handjob like he expected, she dropped to her knees. "Tay," she said softly, "I want you to tell me if I'm doing anything wrong."

"Don't worry baby," Taylor breathed, "you couldn't possibly do anything wrong."

Quinn leaned over to take the head of his manhood into her mouth. Taylor's eyes popped open at the sensation of her tongue lapping against the sensitive tip of cock. She moved her head closer to take more of him in. She began bob her head slowly, withdrawing and then returning fully. She took the light pressure of his hand on the back of her head as a sign to move faster.

Taylor moaned loudly and lifted his hips up against the wall, shifting deeper into her mouth. "Quinn," he gasped, "I'm gonna...I'm gonna cum..."

She grabbed a towel with one hand and continued to suck on him, swirling her tongue around his swollen shaft. Right when she heard him groan and felt his body quiver and lurch upwards, she recoiled and quickly caught his emission in the towel.

Taylor's chest heaved as he remained against the wall, watching Quinn toss the towel aside and stand up. "Did I do it right?" She asked hopefully.

Taylor nodded quickly and ran his fingers through his matted hair. "Baby, you did everything right."


All The Way To Albertane
The Cream Filling
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