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Chapter 7

Ike hauled ass to the bathroom to check his hair and make sure that he looked alright, now that there was a hot girl upstairs watching his little brother. When he was satisfied, he opened the door and cautiously peeked his head through the crack, venturing out when he was sure she was still upstairs. "Stay cool Ike, stay cool," he muttered to himself, "you've gotta get over Jenn, and this is the way to do it."

"Huh?" Camille popped up from behind the couch, causing Ike to jump back in surprise.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ike gasped, extremely embarrassed.

"Cleaning up the toys that Mac left down here before." She raised and eyebrow. "Do you always talk to yourself when you think no one's around?"

"I wasn't talking to myself. I knew you were there...I was talking to you," Ike lied.

"And do you usually jump back and yelp when the person you're talking to replies?"

"No...I just-- tripped. Over this truck here." He bent down to pick up the red toy firetruck at his feet.

Camille smiled knowingly. "Okay, Ike...sure. Whatever you say."

Ike cursed himself. So much for smooth...


Tay and Quinn emerged from the bathroom with matching red faces and dazed smiles. Just as Tay was about to say something incredibly witty to Quinn, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Oh, hey Zac," he said, when he saw who it was.

"Hey, anyway, me and Ruby are gonna jet pretty soon...can you give us a ride home or should I just find someone to take us?"

"Nah, it's alright. Meet me back here in half an hour k? I still want to talk to some the guys I haven't seen for a while."

"Okay, cool," Zac called over his shoulder as Ruby grabbed his arm and began to draw him back towards the crowd.

When they stopped, Zac eyed her chest and grinned. "I think you forgot to wear the rest of your shirt."

"Damn," Ruby said, yanking up her tube top, "this thing keeps falling down. I've been a real flasher tonight."

Zac laughed and took her wrists to stop her from pulling her shirt up. "Oh no you don't...I like the flasher in ya. I think you should wear that shirt everywhere."

She rolled her eyes. "Um, no, I don't think so. I don't want to be arrested for indecent exposure."

"I'll cover you up," he told her with a wink, advancing toward her with his hands wide open.

She stepped back. "No thanks, I'll just wear a full shirt from now on."

"Nooo you can't..."

"You are breast-obsessed, Zac."

"And damn proud of it! Boobs boobs boobs..."

Ruby laughed and shoved him into another girl. Luckily, he hit her boobs.


Thoroughly discourage, Ike stepped around Camille and sat down on the couch. To his surprise, she followed and sat down next to him. "Aw," she said sweetly, "sorry bout your bruised ego."

"It'll heal," he shrugged.

"So what's on now?" She folded her legs under her, turning her attention to the TV.

"I'm not sure, I think there might be some Brady Bunch re-runs on or something. It's pretty late."

"Alright, well check that."

Camille clapped her hands. "Ooh..I think this is the George Glass episode!"

"Yay," Ike faked enthusiasm.

"You got a problem with the Brady Bunch?"

He smiled. "I don't unless you do."

She gave him a sideways glance when he sang along to the theme. "It's the story, of a man named Brady, who was busy with three boys of his own..." She thought his dorkiness was cute. But she found herself growing a little more uneasy as they continued to watch TV.

He turned to face her, and she didn't move away. Camille laughed. "Are you going to kiss me?"

Ike rubbed his chin and pretended to ponder. "Well, now that you mention it..."

She laughed again nervously. Their faces were only inches apart. "Where's Mackie?" Ike asked softly.

Camille smirked. "Asleep..."

Ike leaned in a little closer until their lips touched for a few seconds. He almost choked in surprise when he felt her tongue enter his mouth, but caught himself. He ran his own tongue over hers a few times before retreating back.

Her lips tingled a bit as she felt a warmth rush over her body. "That was nice." She didn't know what else to say.

"Mmmhmm." Ike leaned over to kiss her again.

The door opened, Tay and Zac walking in. "Whoa!" Zac scampered over to thump Ike on the back. "Way to put the moves on 'em Ike!"

"Shuttup Zac," Ike said bitterly.

"But really," Zac said, leaning over the back of the couch, "how much did she cost?"

Camille blushed, extremely embarrassed. "I'm not a prostitute!"

"Sorry," Zac apologized, "I didn't mean that you look like one, it's just that I figured the only way Ike could get a date was by dipping into his bank account."

Ike twisted around and socked him in the stomach. "Owww..." Zac moaned in agony, "Geez...I was just stating the obvious..."

Tay laughed at Ike on his way up the stairs while he sang I got head tonight, I got head tonight... in his head.

He thought he'd take a shower first, wash up a little. Shedding his clothes, he turned the hot water on and stepped in. He closed his eyes and let the water run down his body as he sang. "You make me make me make me feel like a nat-ur-al woman..."

When he was done, he came out and dried off with a towel, impatiently mopping his arms and legs and nether regions. He tugged his bathrobe on around him and stepped into the hall, ignoring Zac's loud chuckles and shreaks of "wow, Tay, you look so womanly..."

He padded down the hall and swung open the door to his room. His jaw dropped and he came to a sudden hault when he saw what was in it.

All The Way To Albertane
The Cream Filling
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