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Chapter 8

Alexandra sat Indian-style on his bed, head in her hands, staring at the floor. She lifted her gaze upon Tay's entrance. Their eyes connected for a few seconds in silence; him standing in the doorway, hand still on the knob, her in a teary mess, hair slightly rumpled.

"Alex," he said gently, "what are you doing here?"

"Why do you hope I'm here?" She asked him quietly, fidgeting with her hands.

He thought to himself for a minute. "I're here to tell me something I want to hear."

"And what's that?"

"I want you to tell me that you want to be with me again."

Her lip trembled and she nodded her head. She opened her mouth to speak, but he stopped her.

"No, listen," he told her, his voice wavering, "I want you to say it with no doubts, no undecided tears. I'm not going to have the ghost of you, of what you used to be. You don't know how much it hurt, your back to me, huddled with your knees drawn up to your chest, crying after we made love. You can't make me live another day feeling guilty about loving you."

He took the few steps towards her and touched her cheek with his fingertips. He turned his hand over to see the shine of the moisture on his skin, then brought it to his lips. "Tears," he said slowly, the sadness evident in his voice.

She stood up and looked straight into his crystal blue eyes as another tear fell from hers. He caught it on his finger before it rolled of her chin. "Tears," he repeated, more softly than before.

She leaned up and kissed the first tear that trailed down his face. "They're decided tears."

"Decided..." He drifted off, unsure of what that meant.

Her mouth went dry, and she swallowed. She forced herself to speak in a steady voice. "I want to be with you more waiting. Any tears you see now are tears that know what they want, they're from my heart, and they're for you."

He said no words, just lowered his face to meet the soft lips that he had missed so much. He could taste the saltiness of her tears in their kiss, and he smiled. Or maybe it was just the taste of his own, for he felt a drop slip from beneath his own closed eyes.

After a few moments of their reunited embrace, he heard Zac shout from downstairs, "Taaaay! Quinn's here!!"

Taylor's eyes grew anxious, and Alexandra moved her head back a few inches. "Who's Quinn?" She asked.

His expression softened and he cupped her chin in his hand. "Nobody." He leaned down to gently kiss her once more before excusing himself to run downstairs and explain to Quinn that he finally knew what he wanted.


After Zac had wandered back outside, Ike scooted closer to Camille again. "So," he said seductively, in his deepest and most sexiest voice (so he though), "what do you want to do?"

Camille shifted uncomfortably. "Umm...nothing."

"Sounds good to me," Ike said, breathing in the scent of her hair and beginning to lay kisses down her neck.

"Actually," Camille said with thought, "I know what we can do.."

Ike sat up and grinned, always ready for a naughty idea. "What?"

"Well for starters," Camille said sweetly, "you can move a back a little bit," she pushed his chest gently with her hand, "and close your eyes."

Ike shut his eyes immediately and sat in eager anticipation. "Be right back," Camille called, her voice moving upstairs.

What could it be? Ike thought, feeling himself grow warm, maybe she's going upstairs to get a condom, maybe she'll come back down with just a towel on, maybe without a towel at all... maybe she's leaving me a trail of Hershey Kisses and I'll follow it up to where she'll be lying on my bed surrounded by rose petals and then she'll sit up and spread---

"Okay Ike, you can open your eyes.." he heard Camille say.

Ike's eyes snapped open. No towel. No Hershey Kisses. No rose petals. And no naked. Just Mac sitting next to him on the couch with a package of Double Stuf Oreos in his lap, stuffing them into his mouth two at a time.

"I thought you'd like to spend some time with your brother," Camille said, "since you've been so busy lately." She smiled happily and sat on the other side of Mackenzie, and turned on the TV.

"Oh yeah, quality time, thanks," Ike said, even though he knew perfectly well that the only thing Mac liked to spend quality time with was food.

Ike sighed disappointedly. He'd have to wait a little while more to grope Camille. He knew he'd get her eventually; nobody could resist his charm. He realized how hungry he was and absentmindedly reached into the bag of Oreos.

Ike felt a smack on his wrist.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Sweet little Mackie sputtered, black Oreo crumbs spraying all over Ike's new shirt.

Ike retracted his hand in shock. "Getting an Oreo, can't I have one?"

Mac looked at him like he had just sprouted horns. "NO!!"

"Why not?" Ike twitched.

"MINE!!" Mackie grunted, clutching the Oreos to his chest like a leprechaun would clutch his pot of gold.

Ike moved away from his brother slowly and cautiously, slightly afraid of being smashed in the face by a grubby little fist.

"Oh, isn't he just the cutest?" cooed Camille, tickling Mac under his chin. Mac didn't protest, but Ike could see his eyes watching her hands carefully and making sure that they didn't go anywhere near his Oreos, much like a lioness watches over her cubs, ready to spring at any sign of threat.

"Mmmm...I think I'll take--AAAAAEEEEEEEEE!!!" Camille screeched in pain as Mackie grabbed a chunk of her hair and gave it a good yank.

Deciding that the livingroom atmosphere was much too dangerous, Mackie flopped off the couch and stalked away, Oreos secured safely under his arm.

"What is WITH that child??" Camille cried, rubbing her head.

Ike shrugged his shoulders. A second later his eyes lit up and he began to sing. "Don't take a cookie off of that pan, you don't want to mess with this man, you've never seen this side of him before...his cookies and his milk are his pride, or anything that can be deep-fried..."

Camille glared at him and felt her head for any bald spots.


Zac stood outside his house in a rather horny state. He was waiting for Ruby to come over. He had asked her to meet him after she left Aurora's party.

He heard a noise behind him, so he turned around to check it out. No one was there. Weird. Ruby was a little late. He decided to walk and meet her halfway. When he turned around again to face forward, he was surprised to find Aurora blocking his path.

"You JERK!!" Before he could do anything, he got a hard knee in the balls and found himself rolling around on the sidewalk in agony. "You stuck your horny little dick in my BEST FRIEND!!" She screamed down at him, then turned on her heel and walked away briskly with long, furious strides.

Zac tried to pick himself up, but after a few failed attempts, resolved to crawling his way into the house. He pulled himself up onto the couch and looked over at Ike, who was spaced out, and Camille, who was still rubbing her head.

Mackie stood next to him, leaning on the couch, eating. Zac lifted his arm to reach into his brother's bag of Oreo's, but Camille stopped him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," she said wisely, "you have long hair."

Zac wondered what kind of whacko Ike had brought home this time. "What is THAT supposed to mean?" He asked in confusion, questioning her level of sanity. But then he remembered that she had allowed Ike to kiss her, and so the question was laid to rest.

Camille opened her mouth to explain but Ike kicked her. "It doesn't mean anything, she's just a little dazed that's all," he told Zac. Camille glared at him for the second time that evening.

Zac narrowed his eyes at Ike suspiciously, but Ike just responded with an innocent smile. Not letting his eyes leave Ike and the possible mental patient sitting next to him, Zac reached into the bag.

Little Mackie lunged.

Poor Zac, beat up twice in the same night.

All The Way To Albertane
The Cream Filling
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