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What Would You Do If You Met Hanson?

Hey everyone. I had a question:

What would you do if you met Hanson or talked to them on the phone? What would you say?

Please email me your answers and they will be posted on my website!

Rogue22615@ said:

I would say hi, tell them I liked their music, and treat them just like everybody else. I don't give celebs special treatment. said:

Weeel, if I met Hanson, I'd prolly say, "Hey what's up, I'm Catherine." There's so much I'd like to tell them, but knowing I wouldn't get that much time I'd just let them know I respect them for who they are and what they're doing =)


If I talked to Hanson on the phone, or met them I would try REALLY hard not to scream, cry, etc. Because I would know that Taylor would turn red and shy away from me. I would complement them on their astounding talent, GREAT looks, and try to start a conversation with them about anything (if I was still breathing!)!

-Gina (G)

Actually I have this thing, that I wanna make an impression and I want to scare them or like tell a joke and make them laugh. Just B my normal self. G.

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